Jen's baby shower

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Today is a very special day court is throwing Jen her baby shower at her house.

David: I'm going to miss today honey what am I gonna do while you're not here?

Jen: ohh I'm sure you can come up with something to do around here I don't think you'll miss me too much.

David: ohh no come on Jen of course I'll miss you I love spending time with you.

Jen: yeah I'm honestly going to miss you too I've gotten use to spending time with you. I kinda like you she says with a huge smile on her face.

David leans in and kisses Jen.

David: ok so are you ready to go?

Jen: yeah I think so
How do I look?

David: you look like the most beautiful pregnant woman in the world you're seriously stunning sweetie.
Jen is wearing a beautiful light pink flowy dress a small gold heel and her hair is in its natural curl.

David opens the door for Jen and helps her in the car as he walks around to the drivers side.

He drives her to courts house for her baby shower.

- 20 minutes later-
David pulls up to courts house and helps Jen out of the car.
David: ok sweetie I love you so much have an amazing time today you deserve it today is your day I love you so much.

Jen: I know I'm so excited it's going to be so special.
David kisses Jen on the lips and watches her until she walks into the door.

I love her so much and I can't believe we're so close to having our baby girl  it's the most among feeling.

I have to wait around a couple of hours until the baby shower is finished so I decided to go over to grab some lunch and take a hike since it's such a beautiful day.

Jen POV: as I walk in the door I turn the corner into the living room where everyone is there.

As soon as I walk into the living room the girls all come running toward me

Andrea: omg honey you look beautiful

Courtney: wow you really do honey you look like a pregnant goddess

Everyone hugs her.

Jen: wow this is gorgeous girls I love the glittery theme.

Courtney: we have a surprise for you

Courtney hands her a beautiful flower crown.

Courtney: because you are the queen of today we present you this beautiful crown.

She puts it on jens head.
There you look beautiful sweetheart.

Jen: oh my goodness you guys a crown too this is great.

For lunch there is some salad and of course Mexican food.
And for dessert we have some cupcakes and cookies.

Jen: ohh tacos and enchiladas you guys spoil me too much

They all eat lunch

Jen sneaks in a couple of cookies and desserts

They play a couple of games like match the baby to the celebrity and guessing how much the baby will measure and weigh.

Courtney: ok sweetie are you ready for your gifts?

They lead her to her chair where she sits down.

Jen opens the gifts: oh my goodness you guys are awesome a whole basket of aveeno products.

Everyone: we figured that since you're going to be busy taking care of the baby you have to remember also to take care of yourself and we know how much you love your aveeno products.

Jen also gets a foot massager a couple of boxes of diapers little baby shoes and bow ties.

Jen: thank you girls so much I love everything here but most importantly I love everyone here thank you for making me feel so special.

Group hug!!!

Jen starts tearing up
Jen: ugh these hormones are all a mess right now

They go outside where they take some pictures of the beautiful mom to be and as a group together.

- 30 minutes later-

Everyone starts to leave as it is already 7 o'clock.

David knocks on the door and Courtney opens it.

David: hey girls is it ok to come in now?

Courtney: yes you can come on in.

Jen: honey you're here.
Jen walks over to David and hugs him.

David: yeah I missed you so I came to pick you up.

Jen: aww I missed you two

They lean in and kiss.

Courtney: ok big guy you got some big gifts that you have to carry and put in the car.

Courtney leads David to the living room where he picks up the diapers and the basket of aveeno creams.

David: oh my goodness it looks like we're stacked on diapers and cream for a while.
David says while smiling.

He puts the things in the car and Jen walks out.

Jen: court I can't thank you enough thank you sweetheart today was so special to me I love you.

Courtney: of course Jen anything for you I love you so much and I so excited to meet this little baby.

They hug.

David: thanks for making her feel so loved today court it means so much to us.

Courtney: my pleasure you know I love you guys so much and am so happy and excited to meet your baby girl.

David opens the door for Jen and they head back home.

David: I'm so glad you had such a fun day today celebrating you and our baby girl.

Jen: I did I love all my girls they really made me feel so loved were so lucky.

David kisses jens hand.

And they head home with big smiles on their faces.

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