Last minute details

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David POV: so tomorrow is the big day I'm going to marry the love of my life I'm so nervous and excited.
Today I have so much to do I have to pick up my suit.
Get cleos flower girl dress.
Pick up Cleo and make sure I have the rings, get my groomsmen all their things and finally write my own vows.

I text her as soon as I wake up

- text convo-

David: good morning beautiful one more day until I get to see your gorgeous face again and you become my wife I love you so much. I know you're going to be really busy today and everything but remember to smile and enjoy everything. I'm so lucky to marry you❤️.

Jen: good morning honey I know one more day until I get to see your handsome face and call you my husband I love you. And the same to you honey enjoy today and take it all in because soon you'll be a married man ☺️❤️.

David: and I can't wait for that moment ugh I'm so excited ok well I won't take up your time love you honey and I'll see you tomorrow💕.

Jen: aww I love you so much Dave I'll see you tomorrow❤️.

-end of text convo-

After I finish texting Jen I get up and shower and get dressed.

Once I finished getting dressed I make myself a quick breakfast. And go pick up the tuxes for me and the groomsmen.

Jen : I woke up today with the biggest smile on my face as I checked my phone I saw that Dave texted me. We had our little conversation.

We both have so much to do today and we're both just so excited to see each other and finally get married tomorrow.

My dress is coming in today.  I have to go over to courts to see how all the decor and everything is turning out. Get court her bridesmaids dress and write my vows.

I get up shower and get dressed.

I head downstairs and make my self some oatmeal.

I hear a knock at my door I open the door and my dress is here.

I do t want anyone to see it until tomorrow not even court so I'm going to leave it here until I go over to her house to get ready tomorrow.

The delivery person hands it to me and I hang it up in my closet.

I then finish eating my breakfast and head out to courts house.

As I get to courts house I ring the bell.

Court: well hello there bride to be

Jen: hi honey are they here decorating and everything?

Court: yeah there out back setting everything up it's looking amazing.

They both head out back to take a look.

Jen: wow it really is looking so good.
I love the navy blue gray silver and coral colors they look so among together.

Courtney: they really do they play well off each other and the beautiful flowers that are being set up for the backdrop are amazing.

And the centerpieces for the table are so beautiful too I love the diamonds and lights inside the vases.

Jen: omg court it's all turning out so beautiful. I'm so happy.

Courtney: aww honey well of course it is you did a great job with matching and everything.

Jen: well it was thanks to you and the girls helping put it all together.

Courtney: yeah we all just want you to have everything you want and need. And it's gonna look even more beautiful when it's all done and all the lights are hung and the candles and everything.

So what do you have left to do?

Jen: well my dress came in this morning
Um so basically I have to write my vows. And just make sure that all the food and guest show up and that security is good.

Courtney: don't worry about the security honey  we have a couple of guards that are gonna be here and it should be all good.

Jen: ok then so basically everything is don't now the only thing is making sure that all the guest come and that everything turns out perfect.

Courtney: don't worry it will. I'm so happy and excited for you Jen I love you ok tomorrow is your day.

Jen: thank you for your help and for letting us use your house as a venue.
Jen says with a big smile on her face.

Courtney: of course anytime.
So what's the plan now?

Jen: well I think I'm gonna go home text the rest of the girls the schedule finish writing my vows and have everything ready for tomorrow.

Courtney: ok so tonight you just need to relax and get ready for tomorrow.

I'm gonna cook you some dinner.

Courtney cooks do chicken and salad.
Jen and Courtney sit down and have dinner

David POV:
Ok so I picked up the suits picked up Cleo
Got the rings  finished writing my vows and even sent Jen something for her to have before we get married
everything is ready for tomorrow and Now it's getting even more real.

In less than 24 hours I will marry the love of my life this is so surreal and I'm so grateful and excited.

I know Cleo's  8 and knows that I'm marrying Jen tomorrow but I just want to know what she's thinking and feeling.

Hey Cleo honey you know that Jen and I are getting married tomorrow how do you feel about it?

Cleo: um good I guess I know that you lover her a lot and she's really pretty and nice.

Ok good honey I just want you to know that even if I'm getting married that doesn't mean that Im not gonna love you you know that right you're the most important person.

Cleo: I know daddy I love you to and I'm actually really excited to be the flower girl and see Jen in her dress she's going to look really pretty.

I'm excited for you to be the flower girl too.
And I know I can't wait to so how beautiful she looks In her white dress I'm so lucky.

David gives Cleo a hug and put her to bed.

I finish talking to cleo and check the clock oh wow it's 10 o'clock I change clothes and head to bed. I can't wait to marry the woman of my dreams tomorrow.

Jens POV:
Wow court thank you honey that was delicious.

Courtney: of course honey I wanted you to have a nice dinner so you can go to sleep feeling good and ready for tomorrow.

Jen: I better head home now it's late and tomorrow is a pretty big day.

She says with a huge smile on her face.

Courtney walks her to the front door.

With a huge smile on her face.

They both hug and Jen heads home.

Jen:  when I get home I go upstairs and do my vows. I finish my vows and place them right next to my dresser so that I don't forget them in the morning I brush my teeth change and head to sleep.

I can't believe that tomorrow I'm going to marry that man of my dreams my Dave.

Jennifer and David: Ever lasting love❤️Where stories live. Discover now