Romantic day

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David: so after leaving Jens house yesterday I knew I wanted to plan this special day just for her to really just so her how much she means to me and how grateful I am for her and how incredible she is.

So I call her and let her know to meet me at my house by 7pm.

I'm going to cook her dinner.
I want to make her some incredible food and I know she loves Italian so I'm going to cook her some good fettuccine Alfredo with garlic bread. And some red wine. Of course we also need some dessert so for dessert I'm going to make a small chocolate cake.

I send her a message playing it cool like I just want her to come over to finally see my house

David: hey honey good morning I had such an amazing day with you yesterday hey why don't you come over tonight to my house so you can finally see it?

Jen: good morning sweetie I would love to see your house tonight.

David: ok great hey listen I'm going to be busy during the day today at a meeting for this series and then have to have lunch with them but I'll meet you here around 6 pm ok?

Jen: yeah absolutely hon that's sound great have a good day with your meeting and everything and I'll see you tonight.

I had to tell her I was going to be busy in the morning and everything so she will be thrown off tonight when she walks in and everything I just want everything to be perfect.

I wipe my table off with a cloth and then put down a nice tablecloth.

I go and buy a couple bouquets of roses and put them all over the floor from the entrance door to the stairs up to my bedroom and all around the table and living room.

When I check the clock I see it's already 5 o'clock I hurry up and get dressed. I send a suv to go pick up Jen.

I put on a nice white button up and black dress pants.

I comb my hair and put on some nice cologne.

Jen POV: as I'm finishing getting ready I hear knock on my door.

Driver: hello Jen I was sent here by David to pick you up and take you to his house.

Jen: David sent you?

Driver: yes man David schwimmer sent me to pick you up.

Jen: oh ok then just give me one second let me get my purse and put on my earrings.

I finish putting on my earrings and grabbing my purse.

Driver: opens the door for Jen.

Jen: thank you.
I don't know why but I'm kinda nervous I mean I know I'm just going to see his house but he sent a driver to pick me up and everything.
I'm just so excited to see him and his house.

David POV: ok the driver just texted me he just picked up Jen and should be here in 10 minuets I fishing heating up the food then plate it piping hot.

I then light some candles and finally put music on in the background.

Oh gosh I'm so nervous yet excited about her getting here I just want to show her how much she means to me and really have a special evening.

- 10 minuets later-
David: I hear a knock on the door

I take a deep breath and walk towards door

Jens POV: I knock on David's door and I am so nervous as I am waiting for him to open.

He opens the door and as soon as he does I hear music and smell the food.

David: welcome to my home
Wow sweetheart you look stunning he says as he kisses me on the cheek.

Jennifer and David: Ever lasting love❤️Where stories live. Discover now