Halloween party

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It's Halloween and normally Jen throws a fun party with a bunch of friends.

I'm so excited for tonight I always love seeing everyone in their costumes and getting our faces painted.

I get up shower drink my green smoothie which is actually very fitting for today and make a couple of the last minute arrangements.

I look at my phone and I got a text from Dave

Dave:Hey honey I'll see you tonight I can't wait to show everyone our costumes I think they'll love them.

Jen: yes it's gonna be a blast they'll absolutely love them I can't wait.

Dave: me neither ok I'll see you soon ly❤️

Jen smiles as she puts her hone in her pocket.

She finishes setting up the snacks and decorating the piano and a couple of other places.

The door rings and people start to arrive.

Hey jen
Hii honey!! Come on in!!

Jen loves party planning and throwing good dinner parties so everyone always loves coming to a jen party.

It's amazing jen you've outdone yourself once again!

Jen smiles ahh I love you she says as he blows kisses to her friends.

As it starts getting darker Jen sneaks away from the part and goes into her room to change into her costume as David is about to arrive soon.

As she comes out of her room court grabs her
Wait a minute are you supposed to be Rachel?

Mhhm maybe and Ross? I mean David is supposed to be Ross?
Jen nods her head yes she says with a huge smile on her face but don't tell anyone ok?

Court motions for Lisa to come over here oh my gosh it's Rachel green!!

Jen laughs yes now I'm just waiting for Ross to come over.

They all giggle and laugh this is amazing Lisa says.

Finally Jen hears the doorbell ring she answers the door and there's her Ross.

Wow honey you look so good you haven't aged a day seriously like I feel like we're back on set.

Jen smiles as he kisses her cheek
She then pulls him inside.

Everybody screams and greets David so what are you supposed to be they ask him.

Wait a second it's Ross and Rachel Ellen tells out!!!

Bingo! Everybody laughs and has a blast David and Jen mingle along while Lisa and court are still in shock over how good their costumes are.

-2 hours later-

Wow it's already 11:30 I better get going thank you for an incredible night jen you're the best.

Guest start to leave and hug jen.

of course anytime!!.

The last ones to leave are court and Lisa who are teasing David over his costume acting like he's Ross.

So Ross how's the proffesing going?
Are you guys still on a break?
Been married lately?

David can't help but smile ear to ear
Gosh this is bringing back so many flashback.

Jen comes and joins him
Oh guys come on I'm sure Ross has gotten married plenty more times!

Man I wish the guys were here because seriously it really feels like we're on set.

Lisa Dan court ask jen and David to stand together so they can all take a selfie.

They snap their picture.
Ok you know this is going on Instagram right?
They both say.

Jen and David laugh oh gosh I love you girls.

Courtney and Lisa head and I love you tonight was so much fun still the queen of throwing an incredible party!

Jen hugs the girls as David also says goodbye.
They wave from the door.

Ohh I'm so tired I a have to get up early tomorrow to teach so we better go to bed.

Jen laughs oh yeah I have an early day at the office tomorrow.

David kisses her hand as they both head to bed after a fun night and another successful party for Jen.
David and Jen head straight to bed after a fun night.

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