Wedding day❤️💍 part 1

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David: I wake up this morning with the biggest smile on my face today is the day that I've been waiting for for 25 years today I get to marry the love of my life my dream girl.

I go downstairs and start making some breakfast for Cleo and me I make some eggs and bacon.

I wake cleo up and give her some breakfast.

Cleo honey so Courtney is actually coming to pick you up so you can go get ready over at her house with all the girl ok?

Cleo: ok that sounds like a plan.

As we are finishing our breakfast court comes over to pick up Cleo.

David hands court cleo's dress as Cleo takes the rest of her things in her backpack.

David: thanks court

Courtney: of course
She says as she hugs him tightly
Now you better start getting ready groom she say as she leaves.

That's what I'm about to do now. David goes upstairs and showers.
He then starts getting dressed and putting on his tux.

As I'm button up my shirt I feel a million butterflies in my stomach. I'm so happy and excited all at the same time. I finished getting dress put some cologne I grabbed the rings and my vows and got picked up by the limo over to courts house for my wedding.

Jen POV: As I wake up this morning the sun is shining bright through my windows.
And I feel so lucky and grateful. Today I am marrying the man I have loved for 25 years my Dave.

I wash my face and the head downstairs to make myself my morning smoothie I know I'm going to be eating a lot today so o wanted to start off my day with something healthy.

I check my phone and I'm getting all these text from my girls telling me how excited and happy they are for today.

And it's making me even more excited and nervous.

As I'm sitting in the kitchen finishing my smoothie I hear a knock at the door.

I look through the door and see it is one of my security men.

He hands me a small note card with a heart on it.

I open it up and read it.
To Jen: good morning beautiful today is our big day and I just wanted to let you know how much I love you and I can't wait to be your husband I'll see you soon.

Aww Dave is the sweetest he always knows just what to do to calm me Down and make me feel so special.

I hear the doorbell ring.

I open the door where my bridesmaids flower girl are Chris are here to help
Me get ready.

Courtney and lisa: Happy wedding day sweetheart they say as they hug her

Jen: oh my gosh my girls thank you she says as she hugs them all back.

Courtney and Lisa: ok lets go let's get you ready for your big day!!!

They all head upstairs where Chris McMillan straightens and fixes jens hair beautifully like he always does.

Chris : ok and done you look beautiful honey.

Jen: ugh I love you thank you Chris she says as she kisses him on the cheek.

Chris kisses her back
Chris: of course sweetheart I'm so happy for you I love you I know you're gonna look stunning.

The girls: ok your hair is done your makeup is done
Cleo and is are all dressed up and ready.
you look beautiful. Now it's time for the most important part
They say excitedly.

The dress!!!

Jen looks at them with a big smile on her face.

Jen: yeah I guess you're right ok girls.

Chris walks over to the closet and picks it up for her they walk over to the bed.

Jen slowly in zips the bag. Being careful not to pull anything.

Courtney and Lisa: OH MY GOSH it's beautiful they say!!!.

Jen: I know isn't it?
Jen says with a big smile on her face.

Come on let's help you put it on!!!

All the girls help Jen into her dress carefully making sure they don't get it dirty or ruin it.

Lisa: Ok honey it's all on!!!

On the count of three Jen turns around and reveals how beautiful she looks in her dress.

Courtney and Lisa: wow you're so beautiful honey Dave is one lucky man.
Courtney starts to tear up.

Jen: aww court my girls I love you so much thank you for helping me get ready for my big day.

Jen: and of course thank you for being here too cleo.

Cleo: you look so beautiful Jen like a princess.

Jen: aww thank you cleo and you look so pretty as the flower girl.

They take some beautiful pictures of Jen In her dress and with the girls.

Courtney : ohhh ok honey it's 4:30 we better get going because you get married in half an hour.

Jen: oh my gosh , ok let's go I'm ready.

Chris applies Jens veil and they all ahead off to Courtney's house for the beautiful wedding.

Once they arrive at courts house Jen sees all the security surrounding the house.
As she sees all the guest starting to come in.

The girls help sneak Jen into the house so nobody can see her before she walks down the aisle.

Courtney goes outside and greets all the guest.

Courtney: hey Dave this is it it's your big moment are you ready?

David: already tearing up
Absolutely I'm so ready to see her and to become her husband.

Courtney: oh boy we'll just you wait she looks absolutely beautiful.

Courtney hugs David and goes back inside.

Courtney: speaking to Jen

Ok honey everyone is here it's absolutely beautiful outside it's time are you ready?

Jen: waves her hands in front of her eye to keep herself from tearing up.

Absolutely let's do this she says.

Courtney helps lead Jen outside.

She then gets in position with the groomsmen
She walks down the aisle with Matthew perry.

Matthew jokingly whispers to Courtney
Can you believe that Ross and Rachel are actually getting married?

Courtney smiles
And whispers: I know!!!

Next come Lisa and Matt down the aisle
Matt: how you doin? He says to Lisa as he smiles at her.
Lisa: giggles And squeezes his arm tightly.

They all reach the end of the aisle where the guys stand behind David and the girls line up waiting for Jen.

Now is the time everyone has been waiting for the music starts playing as everyone stands up.

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