Any day now

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It's really crunch time now Jen and I just finished visiting the doctor and he said she is really due any day now so we are getting everything ready.

What makes this even more special is that it's December and it's getting close to Christmas time.

So there's a chance we can have our little girl in our arms by the time it's Christmas.

David: wow honey can you believe it this is it it any day now our little girl can arrive.

Jen: I know it's so amazing I can't believe it this is incredible.

David helps Jen in the car as the paparazzis have spotted them and are taking pictures of them like crazy.

They are used to it by now and they knew it would get even crazier once They annoyed their pregnancy.

David and Jen drive away and head over to courts where she invited them to lunch.

- 30 minutes later-

David and Jen arrive to Courtney's house for lunch.
David helps Jen out of the car.

They ring the bell.

Courtney opens the door

Courtney: yay I'm so happy you guys could come for lunch come on in.

Courtney hugs David and Jen
Courtney: ok I made some sub sandwiches for us.

They head into courts kitchen where she serves them lunch.
David: thanks court
Jen: thank you honey it's so sweet of you to make lunch for us.

Courtney: of course are you kidding me I was already missing you guys.and knew you had your big appointment so It was perfect to invite you guys over.

Courtney: so tell me what did the doctor say honey?

Jen: well he basically said that any day now baby gurl can come.

Courtney: oh my goodness seriously? This is amazing honey I'm so excited for you guys!!!.

Jen starts to tear up.

David: she's been pretty emotional lately she's super excited and anxious all at the same time.

David and court both lean closer to jen and hug her.

Court:  and how are you feeling Dave?

David: I'm so excited you have no idea I'm so ready to meet this little girl and see this among woman become a mother.

Jen: I'm sorry it's just yes it's all beginning to feel so real and I have so many emotions but of course I'm excited.

Courtney: ohh honey I felt the same way before I had coco you know that I was so excited but nervous. But all of those nerves completely go away when you hold your baby in your arms.

They finish lunch and hang out with court  just laughing and having a good time.

-2 hours later-

David: thanks for inviting us over for lunch court you're the best

Courtney: ohh of course anytime you know that

David and court hug.

Jen: I love you honey thank you for everything.

Courtney: I love you so much Jen
Take care of yourself ok and call me if anything happens!!!

Courtney looks at David

Courtney: seriously I wanna be the first to know.

David: of course of course.

They hug and David and Jen head back home.

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