Special realxing day

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Jen: oh my gosh honey I can't believe we're so close to meeting this baby gurl of ours Jen says as she rubs her stomach softly.

David kisses jens hair as he looks at her and smiles.

They are sitting in their backyard soaking up the beautiful warm sunny day.

David: I know it is pretty incredible I am so lucky to be on this journey with you there is no one else I would want as the mother to our baby then you.

Jen: ohh honey you're so sweet I'm honestly so excited and feel so lucky but I'm so nervous.

David: oh no sweetie don't be nervous why are you nervous?

Jen: I just don't want to mess up , I want to be the best mother possible to this little girl.

David: oh honey you're worrying for nothing you are more than ready to be a mother you have the biggest heart full of love the way you love your friends kids your fans your friends and your family is inspiring. You are going to be the best mother ever our little gurl is going to be so lucky to be able to call you mommy.

Jen turns and looks at David with her puppy eyes filling with tears.

Jen: ohh honey that's so sweet thank you for always comforting me and loving me. You're amazing and I can't wait to watch you become a daddy to our little girl.

David leans in and kisses Jen on the lips he leaves a trail of kisses as he makes his way down to her neck where he slowly plants kisses on her.

She lifts he neck and slowly pulls herself as she sits up and allows David to get a better view of her beautiful body.

David: you're breathtaking pregnancy makes you even more beautiful.

She smiles shyly as she shakes her head. She grabs his face with her two hands and kisses him passionately.

They break their make out session as David goes inside and refills jens smart water.

David: here you go honey I know how much you love to stay hydrated and especially now that you're pregnant.

Jen: seriously you're the most amazing man you understand me so well it's crazy.

David: you know that I always have your back I love you you're my best friend.

They decide to go for a swim in the pool.

David and Jen both use their pool loungers as they float in the pool enjoying the beautiful weather together.

- 1 hour later-

David and Jen both shower and refresh after a nice morning of relaxing outside and in the pool.

David cooks Jen a nice healthy dinner.

David: here we go honey dinner is ready he says as he sets her plate at the table.

Jen: oh my goodness honey this looks amazing

David made Jen a nice big Greek salad with some grilled chicken and bacon inside.

David and Jen sit down and have dinner.

Jen: thank you so much for dinner honey it was delicious and just what I needed but I'm stuffed.

David: of course we'll that's the point you're eating for two so I want you to eat good.

David cleans the kitchen and they spend their night watching tv in the living room cuddled together on the sofa.

Jennifer and David: Ever lasting love❤️Where stories live. Discover now