Christmas Eve

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I wake up early this morning and see Jen still asleep.
I give her a peck on the lips and she wakes up.

Jen: oh good morning honey

David: good morning beautiful merry Christmas Eve.

Jen: oh my god that's right merry Christmas Eve honey. Our first Christmas Eve together.

David: that's right the first of many!!!
On a side note why do you look so beautiful in the mornings it seriously not fair you're glowing.

Jen: oh honey come on please

David: no I mean it you're glowing!!

Jen: yeah ok that's sweet so thank you honey.
I have to get up and shower now.

David: can I join you? he says with a smile on his face.

Jen: absolutely Jen says smiling from ear to ear

They both shower together

Then get dressed.

- 40 minutes later-
Jen: ok so we're all showered and dressed what's the plan for today honey?

David: ok so I get to spend the day with Cleo today and have to take her back tonight and then her mom gets her for Christmas Day I have all of her gifts wrapped up and everything.

Jen: ohh ok that sounds like fun so are you going to go pick her up?

David: yeah I'm going to go right now actually and I think I am going to take Cleo out for a special breakfast do you want to come with?

Jen: oh honey I don't know I don't want her to feel pressured or weird if I'm there on your special day especially since you guys have done this for a couple of years now since your break up.

David: oh no honey I'm sure she would love it if you came with. We always do some fun Christmas things.

Jen: ok then I'll go it gives me a chance to give her her present also.
She says with a smile

David: kisses Jen on the cheek excitedly

They go and pick up Cleo

David gets out of the car and gets Cleo.

Ok I'll have her back her by 8 he tell Zoe

Zoe agrees.

David walks Cleo to the car where Jen is.

Jen:Hi Cleo!!

Oh hi jen I didn't see you there

Jen: giggles oh well here I am is it ok if I join in on you and your daddy's special day?

Yeah sure

David runs jens hand.

David: all right Cleo are you hungry?

Cleo: yeah are we getting Christmas pancakes?!?!?!

David: we sure are let's go!!!

-1 hour later-
David: how are your snowman pancakes Cleo?

Cleo: so good

David: and how are your pancakes honey

Jen: they're actually pretty good.
Jen says as she's chewing

David: haha ok

They finish eating and head out

David: ok Cleo so we're going to go to the ice skating rink let's go.

They head to the ice skating rink.

Cleo: look I've gotten better I can keep my balance for longer!

Jennifer and David: Ever lasting love❤️Where stories live. Discover now