Letting the world know

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Oh my goodness I can't believe my belly is getting so big. Time is flying by Jen says as she is rubbing her belly while eating some oatmeal.

I know it's been so amazing watching your belly grow and feeling the baby kick.
David says as he grabs the belly and smiles.

David: so how are you feeling are you ready for the big day today?

Jen: oh gosh I think so there's no looking back after this but I think that I am.

David: it's going to be crazy it's going to be a big news that's going to be all over the place but don't worry honey it's also going to be so amazing.

Jen: yeah it's just for years and years you've heard the rumors and read the fake stories and the fake pictures. And now for it to actually be real oh my gosh it's going to be so surreal.

David: you're going to do great sweetie this is the moment you more than anything have been waiting for.

David and Jen are going to go out and about today to buy a stroller and baby carrier and there's no more point In hiding anything anymore because it's getting way to complicates and hard so people are going to see them especially the paparazzi and soon everyone will know that Jen is really pregnant.

David: ok honey are you ready to head off?

Jen: yeah I think so
Jen finishes her oatmeal wipes her mouth and grabs her purse.

David: grabs Jen hand and leads her out the house.

-15 minutes later-
The car drops them off in Beverly Hills next to a baby store.

David: ok honey are you ready?

Jen takes a deep breath and smiles

Jen: yeah let's do this she runs her belly
It's our time she says as she looks down at it.

David kisses her cheek and grabs her hand as he leads her out of the car.

David and Jen walk toward the baby shop holding hands while Jens belly is very visible she is wearing mom jeans with a white v neck t shirt and a blue blazer.
They walk into the store.

Store associate greet them

David and Jen look through all the different stroller and car seat options.

They see a couple paparazzi snapping pictures through the window.

Jen: oh my gosh I can't believe this is actually happening she says as she looks up at David.

David: I know sweetie it's incredible just enjoy the moment he says as he kisses her cheek.

Jen: there are so many options to choose from
But I think this one is th best plus I like the beige and white color on it. What do you think honey?

David: yeah I think this one will work great.

David and Jen ask the store clerks for assistance as they bring the stroller and baby carrier up tot he register.

$300 is your total.

David pays for the stroller and car seat.

Worker: sure the stroller and car seat should be delivered to you in a couple of days.

David: thank you very much.

Worker: of course you're welcome.

David and Jen walk out of the store and wait for the suv to pick them back up.

Meanwhile the paparazzi is crowded all around them taking pictures.

Paparazzi: Jen and David congratulations!!!
How far along are you?
Is it a girl or a boy?
How are you feeling?
Jen can we see the belly!!!

Jen turns to the side and moves the blazer as she reveals her belly even more as she rubs her hand up and down.
David then joins her and buts his hand or her stomach.
Jen and David smile at the camera.

David and Jen
How happy are you guys?
Do you have a name yet?

The suv finally pulls up and picks them up.

David let's Jen walk for as he holds her hand and protects her from all the paparazzi still following them.

They get in the car and clothes the door.

David: wow that was absolutely crazy. How are you feeling honey?

Jen: honestly right now I feel relieved I feel happy I feel excited.
It feels amazing finally letting everyone know that I'm pregnant.

David kisses jen on the side of her head.

David: I love you so much and I'm so proud of you. You're going to be such an amazing mommy.

Jen looks at David and kisses him on the lips.

Jen: I love you too thank you for being so supportive and being by my side through everything

David grabs jens hand and squeezes it tight. As to reassure her that he's always going to be there and have her back.

Jennifer and David: Ever lasting love❤️Where stories live. Discover now