Telling our friends and family

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So today Jen and I are going to be telling all of our friends and family the incredible news.

We invited them over for lunch today and we're going to surprise them all.

David: how are you feeling honey?

Jen: I don't know I have a rush of emotions I'm excited nervous anxious I just want to tell them and stop hiding it from everyone.

David: I know I know it's like this big amazing secret and I'm just so ready to let everyone know.

Jen: we got this until it's time to tell them straight faces on.
The thing is the girls all know me so well and they notice everything so I wouldn't be surprised if someone notices my stomach or something.

David: oh my gosh that's true ok well let's just get this started. David says excitedly.

The doorbell rings and everyone starts to come in.
David and Jen both greet everyone.

Everyone: thanks for inviting us over guys it's so fun seeing you guys together as a married couple. It's the first time since you guys got married almost three months ago.

David: I know we so happy to all you guys could be here with us today and we could have a good day together.

Everyone is hanging around and eating pizza.

Jen goes over and talks to the girls while David talks to the guys.

- 1 hour later-
Jen: ok honey I think they have no idea I think we should tell them now

David: are you sure? Are you ready sweetie?

Jen: I think so yeah
We just have to do it
We know how they're all going to react they're going to be surprised and so happy.

David: ok let's get them all together in here like we're going to give a speech.
Do you have the ultrasound picture?

Jen: yeah I do it's in my pocket.

David goes and calls everyone into the living room area.

David: ok everyone can you please come in the living room please.

Everyone gathers around the living room.

David: well jen and I just want to thank you guys for coming today and supporting us always and being such amazing friends it's so fun hosting these parties with you guys. And we love you.

Jen: yes you guys know that my friends are like my family you guys are so important to me and I love you guys. And of course you know I love hosting you guys. And for us to host you together as a married couple is pretty amazing.

David and Jen look at each other and smile.

David: yes and on top of all of this there is another reason why we gathered all you guys here today.
David gets closer to Jen and touches her belly.

Jen: starts to get chocked up.
She touches her belly
You guys I'm pregnant!!!.

The crowd gets all excited but are also not to sure.

Everyone: oh my gosh are you serious they say as they look at both of they with wide eyes and smiles.

Jen pulls out the ultrasound pictures

And as she's tearing up
Jen: yes!!!

Everyone jumps up and down and starts to scream. While some people start to tear up.

They all go and hug them.

Everyone: congratulations we are so excited and happy for you guys
This is incredible they guys say as they hug Jen and David.

The girls are over in the corner hugging Jen and crying.

Girls: oh my goodness you guys are going to have the most beautiful kids.
We're so so so so happy for you honey you're finally going to be a mommy.

Jen: I know I can't believe it we just found out a couple of days ago after I told you about that dizzy spell thing it turns out I was already pregnant and that was my body going through the changes.

The girls all hug and kiss Jen again.
They all touch her belly

Wow this is incredible you guys were just so excited and happy for you two.

Jen and David come together and hold hands.

David: thank you guys it's been such an incredible couple of days since we've found out we're just over the moon.

David looks at Jen and kisses her as Jen is still over come with emotion.

Everybody comes in for a big group hug.

-30 minuets later-
Everyone: again you guys congratulations we love you both so much and are so excited for you.

David and Jen thank you guys

They hug everyone.

Court: *wiping away tears*
Hugs David congratulations big guy she says as she hugs him.
David: thank you so much court

Courtney: and you she says as she looks at Jen
I love you so much sweetie and you're going to make the most amazing mommy.

Jen hugs court tight.

Jen: I love you so much court
Jen says as she hugs her back

David and Jen wave at all their guest as they leave quietly not trying to draw attention to any paparazzi.

David closes the door.

David: so how do you feel now that they all know honey?

Jen: I don't know if it's possible but I'm even more excited and feel twice the love it's incredible I feel so blessed.
She says as she hugs Dave.

David: so do I honey this little baby is already so loved it's incredible.
We're so lucky to have such amazing family and friends.

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