Wedding planning

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Jen: so the other day after the photographers left and everything Dave and I started getting ideas and planning for the wedding.

He really want me to make it the wedding of my dreams. And I need help so I called over some of my girls to help me while Dave is out working.

The door bell rings and in come court Lisa Ellen and Portia to help me.

I greet all of them.

Jen: my girls I'm so happy you guys could come.
She hugs court Lisa Ellen Portia, isla, Dre and Reese.

Everyone: of course we're happy to be here and to help you.

They all come in and sit in the living room where Jen has all these notebooks and books laid out.

Courtney: ok honey so what do you need help with?

Jen: ohh well a lot of things basically Dave told me he wanted me to plan everything and obviously if I need any help or want his input to ask him but he wants this to be my dream wedding.

And he says he knows that I've been married twice before and have had to different weddings and everything. But he wants me to basically have everything that I've ever wanted or whatever makes me happy.

And I mean I don't want to spend millions and millions of dollars but I also want it to be so special for the both of us so.

Ellen: so basically what you're saying is that you really need ideas and help and all of it.

Jen: smiles

Lisa: wow honey this is really complex huh because obviously you know you loved your first two wedding they were each different but special in there own way . And I know that obviously you don't want to do the same things you did in those. Because this is a different guy and relationship. But you can also use some of those same ideas.

Jen: yeah basically so any ideas you guys can give me would be great.

Everyone: ok hey what ideas do you have in mind do you want a big wedding like your first or a smaller more intimate one like your second one? Or something completely different?

Jen: well I think I'm leaning toward a combination of both like something so special but that's not necessarily big. But I don't want to do it in the backyard or in a tent like the other two because you know those were my other two relationships. And with Dave and I I want it to be different and completely ours.

Lisa and Portia: of course that makes complete sense.

Jen: so I mean yeah guys it's just so much like I don't know what I should plan

Courtney and the girls all hug Jen.

Everyone: hey honey it's alright you're just a bit overwhelmed right now. And we're gonna help you.

They all start to brainstorm ideas.

Jen: Ok so Iv'e been thinking that honestly I think I want a intimate ceremony.

Everyone: ok that's sounds great so where do you think you want to have this intimate ceremony at?

Jen: that's what I don't know I'm thinking maybe a beautiful location you know by the beach or something.

Courtney: hey honey What if you guys get married in my backyard?

Everyone: oh wow yeah that's an idea

Jen: oh my gosh honey that's actually not a bad idea
Do you think I can?

Court: of course honey anything for you you can decorate everything how you want put your special touches on it.
It can be private and intimate and you know that the ocean is basically the backyard also.

Jen: *starts to tear up*
Oh my gosh honey this is amazing it's perfect I think that would be amazing.

Court goes in and hugs Jen tightly and the rest of the girls join in.

Portia:wow court that is so amazing Jen we know you are going to have the most beautiful wedding.

They finish talking and map out a couple of design plans and everything.

As the girls are leaving David arrives.

David: omg hey guys how's it going?

Everyone: hey Dave oh you know just making plans for your wedding and stuff.

David walks over to Jen and hugs her sweetly.

David: hi sweetie he says as he kisses her.
So how's all the wedding planning going?
He says with a cheesy smile

Jen: hi honey honestly it's going amazing thanks to my girls they really helped me a lot today.

David: Hey that's great!! Have you chosen a venue yet?

Jen: yes actually that was the first thing we talked about I couldn't decide what I wanted but then I finally decided an beautiful intimate ceremony would be perfect and romantic.
So then Courtney offered her house and backyard as the venue because her backyard is big enough and the ocean is right behind it.
So what do you think honey?

David:  That's sounds great yeah whatever makes you happy honey
But I think that's gonna be great and beautiful.
Hey thanks court you're the best.

David goes and hugs court.

Court: of course anything for my Friends😉

They laugh.

Jen and the girls wrap up everything and they head out.

Jen: thank you guys for helping me today I love everything so far I love you guys.

Everyone: of course Jen we love you and just want you to be happy and have your amazing wedding. To the man of your dreams because third times the charm.

Jen hugs everyone.

Jen: ok so we'll keep texting and staying in contact.

David: alright girl take care and thanks again court.

They all say bye to Dave.

They all leave

As Jen closes the door.

David: wow honey seems like you really got a lot done.

Jen: yeah we made some good progress episcopacy the biggest thing the venue.
I'm so excited to marry you.

She looks up at him and smiles.

David reaches down and kisses her on the lips.
I am too honey you're gonna make the most gorgeous bride.

They go into the kitchen where David makes them a pizza for dinner.

And for the rest of the night they eat dinner and head to bed.

Jen looks up at him
Jen: it's going really great Jen says with a grin on her face.

Everyone: absolutely!!!

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