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It's my annual friends-giving today I usually throw it the day before thanksgiving since I don't really celebrate on thanksgiving and my friends normally are with their families.

This year is going to be my first thanksgiving with Dave since filming friends and all the thanksgiving theme episodes.

David: happy Friendsgiving honey
David says as he walks down the stairs and kisses her cheek.

Aww and happy friends giving to you too!!!.
Can I help with anything?
Yeah absolutely I'm finishing up the turkey can you finish mashing up the potatoes?

Sure can. This is so fun I've never been a part of any of your Friendsgivings but I know you're a great host. It's gonna be fun

I know it's exciting it is gonna be fun.

-2 hours later-

Jen finishes cooking the turkey the potatoes are all done they finish putting out the stuffing yams and ham and then of course some pies.

David:  this looks so good I'm getting pretty hungry

Jen: you little fatty but I know we did good together.
Ok Dave I'm going to go shower now.and get dressed everyone should be here in about half an hour.

David: ok honey don't worry

-30 minuets later-

The bell rings and Jen just made downstairs.

David and Jen both go to open the door.

Hey happy friends giving they greet their guest

Jimmy kümmel: omg I'm in Ross and Rachel's house  this is wild!!!
Jen :pushes jimmy playfully
But yeah I guess you are.

Jen: alright guys well you know the drill come in there should be a plate for everyone the food is nice and hot on the table.

Everyone sits down around the table and serve themselves their food.

They say a quick prayer and everyone goes around saying what they are thankful for

Everyone basically says the same things
: I'm grateful for family friends a home life kids food....
Then it is finally David and Jens turn
David: wow for me there really is so much to be thankful for first of all I'm thankful for good friends my daughter work life a home and most importantly he turns and looks at Jen
I'm thankful for this amazing woman sitting next to me I'm grateful that I worked up the courage to text her that day I'm thankful that she is back in my life I'm thankful to be able to love her each and every single day I'm just so grateful for you Jen and I love you so much.

He kisses her hand

She runs her hand on his arm

Jen: clears her throat oh my goodness where to begin
First I'm thankful for all of my amazing friends for my job for my fans for life for my home. And of course for this man right here.
David I'm so grateful that we found each other again and we spoke our true feelings I'm grateful for the opportunity to have fallen in love with you again and I'm so grateful that you're my best friend. I love you honey so I'm grateful for love too.


Everyone starts to eat

Jimmy: ok so I have to ask since half of you friends cast is here today and the show was know for it's iconic thanksgiving episodes. What's your favorites?
And can we call today the one with the friends giving?

Court: omg there are so many good ones but I think my favorite is the one with the football where me and this guy get so competitive for the geller cup and then the whole cast playing football just great times!!!

David: oh yeah that's a good one our fights were crazy
Sibling rivalry at its finest
But my favorite has to be the one with all the thanksgivings I love the flashbacks in it of Monica cutting off chandlers toe and of course me with my Afro and beard just priceless.

Jen: ohh I love both of those but for me I think it has to be the one where Ross got high. She starts to laugh.
Like everyone revealed their secrets I but beef in the trifle yet you still ate it not to hurt my feelings and of course Joey loved it. That was so much fun to film.

Wow I can't believe that was so long ago and look now!!!.

They continue to eat and talk around the table.

After dinner the guys played a little football outside while the girls chatted.

Girls: so Jen you and David are so cute together!!! How are things going with you guys?

Jen: aww thanks right now things are going great you know we are just being completely open vulnerable and honest with each other and it feels so great. He is seriously my best friends.

Girls: do you think third times the charm you know if he were to ask
Would you say yes?

Jen: you know how my other two marriages turned out and everything and If Dave does propose to me I will say yes a hundred percent he's unlike anyone I've ever dated and it's so amazing to really be so connected with him.

Girls: aww well we're so happy for you guys you really seem to compliment each other so well and are so in love it's adorable.

The guys come inside from playing football.

We eat a little more dessert and just sit around and play games.

Then finally we look at the clock and see that it is 12 am.

Everyone starts to leave

Everyone: Thanks for everything you guys this was so much fun

Of course guys anytime We hug them all and close the door.

David: well what a day my first Friendsgiving did not disappoint!!! It was so fun.

Jen: I know it was great to hang out with good friends and just be thankful.

David: wraps his arm around jens waist
Hey how about we go upstairs and cuddle in bed while watching thanksgiving episodes?

Jen: I think that's a great idea
David kisses her slowly as she turns around.
They both go upstairs with full hearts and bellies grateful to be together.

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