Honeymoon Adventures

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Our honeymoon has been amazing so far and I can't believe today is our last day.

Today Jen and I wake up early and decided to go on a morning jog along the beach to burn off some of the amazing food we've eaten.

We both change into our workout clothes and walk out to the beach.

Jen: ok honey let's go for a half an hour ready and go.

Jen and David run up and down the beach for a half an hour.

- 30 minutes later-

Jen: phew that was intense even if you run early in the muring it's still so hot and muggy.
Jen wipes her sweat off with a towel and drinks some water.

David: I know that was crazy but we did it I'm so proud of us he gives Jen a high five and a hug.

As he also wipes off his sweat.

They go and take a shower and eat a small breakfast at the hotel.

Today we are heading off on a private boat and we are basically going to be in the ocean all day.

David; ok honey are you excited to go on the boat?

Jen: yeah I am just hopefully I won't get sea sick.
I'm gonna take some medicine just in case.

They finish packing up Thor book bags and head out.

Jen and David walk down the beach where their boat is there waiting for them.

David helps Jen get on the boat and he then gets on.

They say hello to the captain and the helpers.
They then start to head off.

David: wow this is incredible look at those beautiful caves and everything out there.

Jen: I know I'm so excited to spend the whole day over there and in this boat with you.

Jen: here honey help me apply some of this sunscreen.

David helps Jen our on her sunscreen as he runs his hands around her back legs and chest.

David: ok honey there you go
Can you get my back too please he says.

Jen applies sunscreen on David's back neck things and chest.

Thank you he says as he smirks at her.

David: ok now that we're all covered up let's head to the front of the boat and see the full view.

David and Jen head out and sit on the front of the boat to see the beautiful view and catch some sun.

As they get further in the middle of the ocean David stand up and takes Jen hand. They head to the very front where they lean over the railing and see the clear blue ocean.

Jen: oh my gosh honey look dolphins dolphins over there she says!!

David: oh my god that's incredible we're so close to them.

The boat starts slowing down as David and Jen ask if they can swim with the dolphins.

David :honey do you want to try and swim with them?

Jen: I don't know oh my goodness they're so beautiful but ahh.

David: you wanna try? Come on I'll be right there with you imagine how amazing it will be.

Jen: ok yeah let's try it.

They both put on their life jackets and head down the stairs slowly the dolphins are still there as they go and approach them.

Jennifer and David: Ever lasting love❤️Where stories live. Discover now