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I wake up this morning with a huge smile on my face I cannot believe what happened last night it's till doesn't feel real like are me and schwimmer really dating? I feel like I'm in a movie or something.

Jen gets up showers and washes her face. As she finally picks her phone up she sees a text from David.

-Text convo-
David: Good morning Jen last night was a dream I can't believe everything that happened was it real?

Jen : good morning Dave I know I'm still trying to process everything too. I feel like I'm dreaming.✨

David:❤️ I'm grateful for you.

Jen smiles bright as she reads those words from Dave he always has a way of making her feel safe.


So David and Jen make plans with the rest of the friends are are going to meet up for lunch today.

-1 hour later-
David and Jen step out of the same suv hand in hand as they are walking to a nice restaurant in Beverly Hills.

Jen: oh gosh my stomach is in knots I can't believe we're here and together.

David: yeah I know I'm super nervous too but just so happy. Like I can't believe I'm holding your hand right now.

Jen squeezes his arm and places her head on his shoulder.

They walk into the restaurant while they wait for everyone to arrive.

David: I haven't told you but you look beautiful

Jen puckers her lips and squints her eyes
Aww thank you honey you're so sweet.

Gosh that feels so weird to say. Like you're my boyfriend.
Jen smiles

David smiles and kisses her forehead
I know how lucky am I?

As they finish talking they see the group starting to come in
First comes Matt LeBlanc and right behind him is Matty
They hug Dave jen gosh it's so great seeing you guys.

It's so great seeing you two. They both sit down.
So where are Lisa and court?

They should be here any minute.

5 minuets later in come Lisa and court they hug jen and David and then Matt and Matty.

Gosh you guys look beautiful. The guys say to the girls.
The girls smiles well thank you they say gleefully and you guys well you look good.

They laugh.

Matt Leblanc: look at this were literally all together in the same room again this is crazy.

Courtney: I know it's so insane.

Lisa: can you believe it's been 25 years since we met and the show started?

Matty p: I know and I still look as young as I did back then.
No but all kidding aside all you ladies look great.
Us guys ehh.

Courtney: hey and theirs actually more news isn't there David and Jen?

Jen smiles at court
Well as a matter of fact there is David moves closer to jen.

Matty lb: more news what's up?
Matty p: yeah what is it?

Jennifer and David: Ever lasting love❤️Where stories live. Discover now