Morning sickness

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David: honey are you ok?
David says as he walks up to the bathroom door after jens been in there for a while.

Jen: yeah... I'm ..fine my stomach's just a little upset that's a....ll

David can hear Jen starting to throw up

He opens the door and goes right by her side.

David:oh honey look at you you're not ok
You're throwing up.

Jen goes to talk again but is unravel to as she starts to throw up.

David hold her hair back as Jen dry heaves into the toilet over and over.

David: rubs her back and is there for her as she is throwing up.

Jen: dave you don't have to be in here I'm throwing up this is disgusting.
It's ok you can go.

David: of course I have too honey I feel so bad that you're going through this and there is nothing I can really do but to help you. And be by your side through this all.

Jen finally stops throwing up and lifts her head.

David could see that she is pale and weak from throwing up.
Jen: oh gosh honey can you help me get up so I can rinse my mouth and brush my teeth.

David helps Jen get up off her knees and leads her to the sink so she can brush her teeth.

Jen brushes her teeth and gargles with mouth wash.

David picks Jen up and carries her to their bed.

David: here we go honey it's ok he says as he gives her a blanket and wraps her up.
How do you feel are you feeling any better?

Jen: mhhm a little bit I just my head hurts and I feel weak.
Oh gosh I look so ugly and disgusting right now
Jen says as she looks down at her self and laughs.

David: are you kidding honey you got it all wrong you look beautiful.

Jen: how can you possibly find me attractive at all right now?
Look at me I look like a zombie

David: no you don't you look like a mother
You look like a beautiful woman that is going through the most rewarding journey of her life.
Honestly honey you have never looked more beautiful in my eyes.

Jen: well I knew there was a reason I married you
Thank you for making me feel a little better.

David: kisses her forehead hey I'm going to go make you some toast with butter and a nice strawberry banana smoothie to help settle your stomach

- 15 minutes later-

David comes back upstairs with two pieces of toast and butter and a strawberry banana smoothie.

David: ok beautiful here we go eat this this should make you feel better.

David hands Jen the plate of food and sets the smoothie down on the table next to her.

Jen takes a couple of bites of bread and takes a couple of sips of her smoothie.
David: goes and sits down next to her on his side of the bed let's her lean her head on his chest.

-10 minuets later-
Jen finishes her breakfast
David: do you feel any better?

Jen lifts her head from David's chest as she turns to face him.

Jen: yeah I think So I don't feel as weak and my stomach is settling down.
So hopefully I'll feel better for the rest of the day.

David: mhhm well even if you do feel better you aren't going anywhere I am your doctor and as your doctor you're going to stay in this bed all day resting up.
He says as he playfully taps her nose.

Jen: I love you thank you for taking care of me you literally saw me at my worst in the bathroom and you stayed right next to me and held my hair up as I was throwing my guts up.

David: I love you Jen I will do anything for you and this baby girl he says as he wraps arms around her waist and touches her belly.

Jen smiles widely as she turns around and meets David's eyes.

He stares at her and grabs her cheek with his hand as he slowly caresses it.
David leans in and kisses Jen passionately on the lips. Not caring if earlier she was throwing up.

Jen: mhhm are you sure you want to be kissing me today?

David: smiles wide as he stares into jens eyes and continues kissing her for a couple of seconds.

David and Jen finally stop kissing she lays her head on his arm as they lay in bed watching movies for the rest of the day.

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