Hiking adventure

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Yesterday was a dream come true I can't believe I brought Jen to my premiere so many times I would think of that moment and what it would be like walking down the red carpet hand in hand just me and her as a couple.

It was more than I could've ever asked for she's the most perfect date I had butterflies all night. She really is the star of the show she's a natural.

When I wake up I go shower eat a protein bar and text jen.

I forgot how beautiful you looked on red carpets when I'm standing right next to you you seriously took my breath away.

I know jen usually wakes up at all kinds of different times so I'll wait a while for her to wake up.

- 25 minutes later-
As I wake up I roll over and grab my phone from the nightstand.
I see Dave texted me.
Jen reads the text and smiles from ear to ear she then dials his number.

Hello? Good morning Jen.
Hii honey  good morning thank you for that text it's seriously the best way to wake up.

Of course I truly mean it you you never fail to take my breath away.
Jen smiles as she stands up and finishes talking to David.

Dave and I made plans to go on a nice hike today. So I get up shower feed the dogs and get dressed.
I make myself my morning green juice and meditate.

Just as I finish meditating Dave rings the bell I grab my phone and my wallet and meet him by the door.

David smiles as he sees Jen in her workout clothes gosh how do you even pull of leggings and a crop top you're the most gorgeous I swear.

Jen giggles and flashes a smile and you're the sweetest are you ready to go?

Yeah absolutely! They drive over to secluded mountains where they can have their nice morning hike.

They start at the beginning of the trail and work their way up.

David reaches for jens hand as they walk up the trail together then slowly starts to break away and jogs a bit.

She winks at him as to let him know to keep up. He follows her lead they jog a bit more until they reach the top.

That was incredible Jen says as she takes a sip of water at the top.
Gosh my stomach hurts
Oh you're fine here you just need a drink of water.
Jen hands him his water bottle.

They work heir way down the trail and head back to their car.

They drive back to jens house.

I'm so sweaty I need a good shower!
Can I join you?

Of course jen says as she winks. David and Jen Both  shower and change.

They make a nice salad for lunch. 
How are you feeling?
David Asks as they sit down to eat.

Great! I'm not sore
What about you? Do you need me to rub anything on you?

No no I'm fine it's just I haven't gone hiking in a couple of weeks and I just felt it today I think I pulled my muscle.

I have some Advil if you need it
Im ok thanks for looking out for me honey I'll probably just put some ice on it.

Jen teases him hey stick with me and we'll make those muscles twice as strong she winks at him.

David can't hep but smile jen always makes him smile.

Jen looks into his eyes and leans in and kisses him. Softly.

David kisses her back and begins leaving a trail of kisses down her arm which he always loved to do.

They finish eating their lunch David cleans up and washes the dishes and they spend the rest of the evening relaxing.

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