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So tonight's the big night Dave has his big premiere for his new show and he asked me to be his date. So it's going to be our first time out together for a big event.

Dave is coming at 4 to pick me up.

I text him to tell him I'm so excited for him
Jen:Good morning Dave just wanted to tell you how excited and proud I am of you
David: aww honey you're so sweet thank you I'm so excited too but I'm even more excited to have you as my date tonight.

Jen:☺️ so am I it's so crazy but exciting ahh like we're going to a public screening together!!!

David: I know it's gonna be so amazing you're going to be the star of the night❤️

Jen: aww honey you're so sweet ok so I'll see you later

David: ok honey yeah I'll pick you up at 4

Jen: sounds good can't wait

-End of phone convo-

I go and do some of my morning yoga make a smoothie and some oatmeal and shower.

When I get out of the shower I go in my closet
To try and decide what to wear I want to look my best for Dave tonight.

I go through a bunch of dresses until I finally find a beautiful shiny silver dress I put on some silver heels some shiny silver and white earrings and curl my hair.

I check my phone and just on time it is 4 o'clock I grab my purse and head downstairs.

My doorbell rings I go and open the door

David POV: as Jen opens the door she's looks beautiful

Jen: hi honey

David: wow sweetie you look stunning
He says as he is smiling ear to ear

These are for you he says as he hands her some cute flowers.

Jen: aww honey more flowers you're the sweetest.

David: yeah well these are just to thank you for coming with me tonight and being so amazing.

Jen: aww ok let me put these in some water and let's head out.

-1 hour later-
Driver: ok you guys here we are.

David: ok honey are you ready?
He says while looking a Jen.

Jen: yeah I mean I'm a little nervous but it's gonna be fun.

David: winks at her
Ok ready let's go

Jen steps out first
The paparazzi goes crazy

Jen Jen Jen over here
You look gorgeous Jen

Then comes David

David David the paparazzi keeps screaming as they walk the red carpet together.

David Jen over here can we get a smile.

They turn and smile for some photographers and wave to the fans.

David and Jen continue walking while holding hands.

Then the rest of the cast shows up and they go and greet them.

Although it's not a very big movie production or anything the place is packed with extra fans and paparazzi because they all found out that David was bringing Jennifer and the fans go crazy for her and them together.

David and the cast take cast photos together

David then pulls Jen into join a couple.

As David answers a couple of questions about the show. Jen steps aside and looks at him with a smile on her face.

Jennifer and David: Ever lasting love❤️Where stories live. Discover now