Our first christmas❤️

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As I wake up this morning I feel so grateful to be laying next to Jen and spend our first Christmas together.

Jen slowly starts waking up

David: merry Christmas sweetheart

Jen: *streching*
Merry Christmas honey
She says as they both kiss

David: mhhh should we go downstairs and see what Santa brought?

Jen: yes absolutely let's go
Let me just wash my face a little bit and wake up.

-10 minutes later-
Jen and David walk down the stairs together hand in hand.

Jen: looking shocked

Jen: oh my goodness honey what did you do?

Jen says as she see all oh David's gifts for her wrapper up beautiful around the tree.

David: ohh you know just a little something I just wanted you to wake up to your presents being wrapped perfectly under the tree and for it to feel like warmth and love and Christmas in here.

Jen: aww honey thank you it's so amazing
She kisses David.

The walk to the tree and sit on the sofa next to it.

David: ok honey you first

Jen smiles as she grabs her first gift
Jen: omg honey what is this?
She says as she opens a little box tearing up she hold us a beautiful sliver bracelets.

David: so this is just a small little gift that has both of our initials in it around a white diamond heart. With two different colored diamonds surrounding it that are our birth stones.

Jen: honey I love it it's so beautiful thank you

David: oh you're so welcome I'm just glad that you love it.
I wanted to give you something special to show our love and also a beautiful piece of jewelry that would look good.

Jen grabs David's face and kisses him
Well you did amazing I love it so much it's classy but I can also wear it daily.

Jen opens her next gift: bath salts and bath soaps.
Perfect thank you Dave she says.

David: oh you're welcome you know just a couple simple things that I know you can use and love.
Open your final gift he says.

Jen grabs her last gift and opens it
Jen: honey!!! Wow it's gorgeous
Jen says as she pulls out an amazing pair of gold heels.

David: now if you don't like them you can return it what can I buy for the woman who has everything but I thought you would love the shiny glittery color and yet they're simple and elegant at the same time.

Jen: smiles goofily
No honey I actually really like them you did good I know it's really hard to shop for me because I do have basically everything.
But hey another pair of heels is never a bad idea and I love them even more because you picked them out.

David: smiles sweetly
Ahh thank you honey that makes me feel better .

Jen: ok so your turn are you ready for your presents?
She pulls out his first present and hands it to him.
Merry Christmas honey I hope you love it.

David: eyes widen as he sees this box
No way I can't believe this you got me this watch honey this is incredible.
Thank you.

Jen: oh you're welcome I know I've asked you before and you always say you don't need a new watch or anything but yours is seriously old I want you to have a nice watch.

David smiles thank you baby I love it.

David then goes and opens his next present
David: wow honey this is such a nice brown leather jacket this is seriously so cool you know I love wearing them.

Jen: did I do I good job? because I want a hundred percent sure on the color

David: oh yeah it's perfect honey thank you so much.

Jen: you're welcome and last but not least I hope you like it.

David opens his last present:
He pulls it out

David: what's this he says as he looks at a key.

Jen: that is the new key to your new house and our new home I know you have the spare one but now you have a real one and it says home on it.
And there should be something else on there.

David looks again

David: haha honey this is amazing a shaving kit
So does this mean I can put this in the bathroom?

Jen: yes exactly just as long as you know to keep your side nice and clean too.

David: of course!!!.

Thank you honey I love it.

Jen: you're so welcome.
Hey let's make some breakfast smoothies.

I can't break my diet again today.

David: yeah ok I need a smoothie too.

They make a strawberry banana smoothie.

They turn up the radio with Christmas music

Jen: omg I love this put it up a little honey

* all I want for Christmas*
Is playing

Jen and David start to dance around the living to the song

Jen: all I want for Christmas isss youu!!!
She says as she points at David.

David: youuu babbby!!!

David grabs her waist and starts spinning her around
They start to dance in a circle around each other.

As the song ends they both are holding hands and dancing.

David: ohh would you look at that we're under the mistletoe again he smiles.

Jen smiles and leans in
They kiss under the mistletoe.

Jen: merry Christmas

David: merry Christmas sweetheart

They spend the rest of the day swimming in the pool and relaxing on the outdoor swing.

Jennifer and David: Ever lasting love❤️Where stories live. Discover now