Suprising results

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Today I wake up early as I'm anxious to see how jens results have turned out.

I know that there's is something up with her because she never just gets sick for no reason she is so cautious about her health and fitness. I just hope it's something curable or maybe I'm just paranoid.

But I don't know it just feels different.

Jen: I check the clock and it's already 10 am I get up and head downstairs where I see Dave has already made oatmeal for us.

Jen: hi honey wow you're up early again today couldn't sleep?
Jen says with a cute smile.

David: good morning beautiful he says as he reaches out for her hands and kisses her.

No I just I'm anxious to just get your results and make sure you're ok and everything.
So I made you a nice bowl of oatmeal for breakfast.

Jen: aww honey I know I'm a little nervous too but hopefully I just need to take a new vitamin or something like that.

Jen sits down and eats her oatmeal.

They finish eating and both go take a shower.

-1 hour later-

David: ok honey It's 11:30 are you ready to get going ?

Jen: yeah I think so gosh I don't know why I'm so nervous.

David: oh it's going to be ok honey I'm sure of it you're amazing.
David grabs jens hand and helps her out the door.

- 1 hour later-

David and Jen are waiting in the waiting room.

Dr: Jen and David ok you guys can follow me in.

David and Jen are trying to read the tone of the dr's voice.

The dr sits them in room 13

Dr: ok well first of all Jen how are you feeling today?

Jen: I'm better yeah I'm basically back to normal still tired but I'm not dizzy.

Dr: ok ok that's good.
So I have your results right here.
He says as he points at the folder In his hand.

Dr: ok David and Jen so we did a bunch of different test to see what could've caused your dizziness and everything yesterday especially when you take really good care of yourself and are very healthy.

And so the reason that you felt like that yesterday I believe this to be it one hundred percent correct.

Dr: so um actually Jennifer all your test seem to comeback all a hundred percent in agreement.

So Without further ado.
Jennifer this is actually very good news
All your blood test showed signs of pregnancy.
Congratulations Jennifer you're pregnant!!!.

Jen and David look at each other in complete shock.

Jen: Imm Pregnant? Jen says with her voice sounding shaky as she is chocking up.

David: looks at Jen and kisses her forehead.
Dr are you serious?

Dr: yes one hundred percent the dizziness and disorientation had to do with the fact of your body adjusting to the baby and all of you hormones.
And yes there was nothing else wrong in your blood test except that it did show that you are in fact pregnant.

Jen: oh my god honey I'm pregnant this is incredible I don't even know what to say!!! Jen says as she breaks down in tears.

David: I can't believe it
This is incredible honey you're pregnant we're going to have a little baby.
David says as he starts crying.
He kisses Jen all over her face.

Dr: I'm so happy for the both of you Congratulations!!!.
The doctor hands over a couple of tissues for Jen to wipe her eyes.

Jen: I just can't believe it I'm in shock I don't know how to feel this is amazing.
But how can this happen at my age isn't it high risk?

Dr: well it's still possible because you still had your monthly flow and as long as you still have that you still have a chance even if not a very big one.
But look at you.
You are 50 which is dangerous of course but you are in very good health and take very good care of yourself so I expect a healthy good term pregnancy.
Of course we'll keep an extra good eye on you.

Dr: oh yes also would you guys like to see if we can see your little a baby right now?

David and Jen:of course we would this is so amazing.

The dr leads them to the ultrasound room.

Dr: ok Jen you hop up here on the table.
I'm going to put some gel on your belly to get the stick to take to it.

David goes near jens side as she reaches out for his hand in anticipation of the moment they will see their baby on the screen.

The dr puts the ultrasound machine up to jens stomach. He moves it around a couple of times until he finds the baby.

He zooms in.

Dr: ok Jen and David here is your little baby he says as he points to the small baby's inside of jens uterus.

Jen: oh my gosh I cannot believe this is real I'm pregnant look at our baby honey.
Jen says as she looks over at David again tearing up.

David: I know this is incredible what a miracle.
He says ash he kisses jens forehead.
He starts to get teary.

Dr: ok from the looks of it you are about 2 months pregnant. It's too early to tell the gender but we can hear the heartbeat.

The doctor put on the sound on the monitor and the small little flutters start to be heard through the screen.

David: looks at Jen bawling her eyes out
That's our baby honey he says as he kisses her head
I love you so much.

The doctor finishes up the ultrasound and prints out a couple of pictures of the baby.

Doctor: ok Jen everything looks beautiful so far I'll see you guys back here in about a week where we should be able to tell the gender of the baby. And make sure everything is still going good.
I'm going to prescribe you some vitamins to take to keep your body even stronger during this pregnancy jen and of course no heavy workload or stress just enjoy everything.

Jen: of course I understand dr thank you for everything.

Dr: of course and again congratulations to the both of you I'm so happy for you.

David and Jen walk out of the doctor with the best news that could have ever received.

David: helps Jen in the car
You're pregnant honey this is amazing he says as he kisses her hands.

Jen: I know I'm still in shock I cannot believe it you know it's something I've thought of for so long and thought it would never happen and now look. I'm going to have a baby with the love of my life.
Jen says as she rubs her tiny belly.

David leans over and kisses Jen and her small pudge.

David: my beautiful family.
David says.

David and Jen hold hands all the way home. Smiling and already so in love with their little baby.

Jennifer and David: Ever lasting love❤️Where stories live. Discover now