Not feeling well

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I wake up this morning feeling so sick and horrible.I have a huge headache and I'm so dizzy.

I try sitting up in bed and it makes it worse. I wake Dave up to help me.

Jen: in a whisper voice
Dave honey I say as I rub his arm

Dave slowly wakes up as Jen is calling him
David: can see that there is something wrong with Jen
What's wrong honey? Are you ok?

Jen: I don't know I'm super dizzy and feel like weak and disoriented.

David: honey oh my gosh
David says as he tried to rub my head.
What can I do to help?

Jen: I don't know I literally just woke up a couple of minutes ago because I had such a huge headache and as soon as I stood up I started getting really dizzy.

David: oh my gosh honey I'm so sorry. Maybe you need to eat something full of nutrients and everything.
How about I make you some breakfast and a protein smoothie?

Jen: yeah honey thank you I'll try that out.
David: ok I'll go right down and cook you a nice good healthy breakfast.
He kisses her on the forehead and goes downstairs.
David goes downstairs and cooks a nice omelette with bacon and cheese and vegetables. Along with a nice strawberry banana smoothie.

David: I finish making breakfast for Jen I hope this will help her get rid of her dizziness and headache.

I go upstairs and take her the nice big breakfast

David: ok honey here we go a nice big protein rich breakfast.

Jen: thank you honey.

I help her sit up slowly on the bed so she can eat her food.

-25 minutes later-

Jen finishes her breakfast

David: how was that? Did it help? How do you feel now sweetie?

Jen: the food was delicious I feel a little better I'm still a little dizzy and disoriented though.

David: sits on the bed next to her and feels her forehead

Well you don't have a fever so that's good.

Jen: I know it's just weird because I felt fine yesterday besides being tired and everything.

David: I know honey it's weird also because you don't normally feel sick at all. Maybe you're missing a certain vitamin or are low on iron or something. I know you're feeling better but I think we should go check just to make sure you're a hundred percent.

Jen: I don't know honey honestly maybe it's a head cold or allergies starting to form.

David: mhhm I don't think so because there's usually signs that you're about to get sick or have allergies.
Come on honey just for me let's go check you out to make sure you're a hundred percent ok.

He says as he hugs her and kisses her forehead.

Jen: ok you're right let me just go get checked out to make sure everything is ok

David helps Jen stand up and get dressed slowly.

-1 hour later-

Receptionist: Hello mrs Aniston
How may we help you today?

Jen: hi um I'm just here for a check up and everything I woke up with a big headed and dizzy so just making sure everything is ok.

Receptionist: of course ok let me just tell your doctor you're here and we'll take a look at you.

David helps Jen sit down on the chair as they wait for the doctor to come in.

Dr: Jennifer come on in.

David and Jen walk slowly into his office.

Dr: well Jennifer I heard that you woke up very dizzy and disoriented.

Jen: yes I couldn't even barely open my eyes I had to wake Dave up to help me. He made me some breakfast and that seemed to help a little but I still feel a little disoriented and weak.

Dr: oh yes first things first congratulations to you two I'm so happy for you Jen.
You better take good care of her the dr says playfully as he shakes David's hand.

David: that's why we're here making sure she's ok.

Dr: ok Jennifer well your heart rate and everything is good I'm going to run some blood work on you and see if it's anything else going on.

The dr takes jens blood out.

Dr: ok ready Jen he says

Jen nods her head as she grabs David's hand.

Dr: takes a couple of a tubes of it.

Dr: ok Jen so we should get the results back by tomorrow at noon or so if you want to come by.

David: of course we will we will be here. He says as he looks at Jen with a loving smile.

Jen: yes thank you so much dr.

Dr: of course Jen just take an easy for the rest of today and hopefully you're all better by tomorrow.

David: don't worry dr I'll make sure she eats for the rest of the day.
David says as he kisses Jen on the side of her head.

David picks up some warm broccoli and cheese soup and some sandwiches for dinner.

Once they get home David helps get Jen back and bed and comfortable.

David: ok honey are you ok? I'm going to go pour our soup and get our sandwiches so you can eat a nice warm dinner.

Jen: yeah I'm ok right now honey.
David nods his head as he kisses Jen on her forehead.

David heads downstairs to get the food warm and ready.

David: I warm up the soup and sandwiches and take them upstairs for us to eat.

Here you go honey I say as I bring in the food. Hopefully this will make you feel better before going to bed.

I place the plate carefully in front of her.

- 30 minutes later-

Jen: wow that was really good I don't even remember the last time I just had a good soup and sandwich.

David: good honey I'm glad you enjoyed it
It was pretty good wasn't it?

Jen: thank you for taking care of me today you honestly made me feel so loved and taken care of hopefully all the test come back good.

David: of course sweetheart it's my job to take care of you and protect you I love you so much and just want you to feel better.
And don't worry honey I'm sure they will.

David kisses Jens cheek.
And turns off the light as they head to bed.

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