Welcome home baby girl

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As I wake up this morning and check my watch I look over and see jen standing on the side of the baby bassinet.

Honey David says in a low whisper
Hey ohh I'm sorry did I wake you?
No not at all did I wake you? was I snoring or something?

No I just got up to use the bathroom and couldn't help but sneak a peek at our beautiful baby girl.

I know she's perfect.
Hi baby girl you're so beautiful jen says as she rubs her little head.

David kisses jen on the head hey honey it's only 5 am come on why don't you lay down and see if you can sleep a couple more of hours.

But I just I can't stop staring at her.
I know I know but it's just as important that you get your well rested sleep remember if you wanna go home today we have to make sure that you're doing everything right.

David grabs jens arm and leads her to her big bed where he props her pillows up.

I promise in the morning she will be waiting right there for you.

Thank you Dave I love you
And I love you he says as he leans in and kisses her head and I'm so incredibly proud of you.

- 5 hours later-
David is cuddling Scarlett on the small sofa when she starts to cry.
Oh ooh it looks like somebody is hungry.

Honey hand her over come on I got to give her a feed.
The nurse comes in and shows her exactly what to do.

Ohh baby girl she's latching Jen sheds a couple of tears.
David smiles wide.

The doctor walks in
Okay so Jen and David we ran all the test we needed to the baby is healthy and so are you so it looks like you will be going home today.

The doctor explains they will be able to be discharged within the next couple of hours.

-3 hours later-
David is pushing jen down the hall in a wheel chair toward the suv waiting for them.

David helps jen out of the wheel chair and into the car quickly with the paparazzi catching a glimpse of them.

They sent out a coy car 15 minutes earlier to make the paparazzis think it was them.

David walks over and buckles they baby car seat into place.
He helps jen into the back seat and closes the door he walks over to the other side and gets in.

Their driver takes off very slowly and cautiously he's never driven with a new born baby in the back seat so he wants to be extra careful.

The whole ride jen and David are on the lookout for any paparazzi trying to take pictures.

-20 minuets later-

The driver pulls up to the front door.
He gets out of the car and helps David get jen and Scarlett out of the car.
And goes to the trunk to grab their bags.

They walk to the front door where David helps lead jen to the sofa as she picks up the baby out of her car seat.
Their driver brings the bags into the living room.

Can I just say I'm so happy for you both congratulations you guys she's absolutely beautiful.

Thank you so much mike you've always been so great to us thank you for being so good always and especially today.

David and Jen hug him and he takes off.

David helps take Scarlett out of her car seat.
And hands her to Jen.

Welcome home baby girl  were going to make so many memories here jen says as she rubs her head.

David can't help but smile from ear to ear.
I just can't believe that this is my life I love you two so much.

David is making dinner when he gets a call from court.

Hey court what's up, just checking in on you guys how's everything going? Good we're home jens laying in bed admiring the baby and I'm making dinner.

The perfect hey well I was gonna try to come over today but I wanted to let you guys settle in at home but is it ok if coco and I come over tomorrow?

Are you kidding what kind of question is that of course I know jens is missing you already so yes I think cleos coming over too so yes definitely.

Ok Dave I won't keep you long kiss them for me goodnight see you tomorrow.
Of course I will Goodnight court.

David finished making dinner and puts it on a tray where he walks it over to the bedroom.

Here sweetie be careful it's a little hot it's a nice homemade pasta with a small salad.
Jen smiles from ear to ear thank you baby.
Five leans over and kisses her softly.

He brings his plate of food and also sits next to her on the bed being as quiet as possible as Scarlett is asleep in her bassinet right next to the bed.

They finish eating dinner David goes and washed the dishes and finally comes to bed.

As he walks back in jen is fast asleep he covers her with the blanket and kisses his two girls goodnight as he turns off the lights.

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