Baby clothes shopping

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Court and I made plans today to go out and get some baby shopping done so I can start building baby girls wardrobe.

I get up shower get dressed and go downstairs to make myself a bowl of oatmeal.
But my sweet Dave is already one step ahead of me.

David: good morning beautiful

Jen: good morning honey you made me oatmeal?

David: yeah of course I wanted you to have a nice breakfast before you go out whipping with court today.

Jen: you're so amazing thank you honey I was just going to make some.

David: well now you don't have to worry about it I hope it's good I added a little extra cinnamon to it.

Jen sits down and eats her oatmeal.

- 15 minutes later-

Jen: thank you honey that was so good

David: of course honey now that you're eating for two you have to a nice good breakfast everyday.

Jen: I know you're right I have to start getting used to this like everyday.

Jen gets up grabs her small jacket her phone and her purse.

The bodyguard pulls up with the car in front of the house.

David walks Jen to the car

David: ok honey I love you have fun baby shopping with court.
He kisses her on the lips.

Jen: I will I love you too I'll see you later.

- 30 minutes later-

The suv pulls up to the baby store but goes through the back so Jen is not seen entering the store and hopefully no paparazzi will take any pictures.
She puts on a big hat and sunglasses so no one will notice her.

The security guard open the back door of the store for her where Courtney is already waiting for Jen.

Courtney and Jen meet up and start shopping.

The first head to the baby pajamas where Jen picks out some cute girly ones.

Jen: oh my goodness court look how cute this one is with little ladybugs all over it.

Courtney: yes that is adorable get two of the three packs because you know abuse always need to change pajamas.

They continue walking around the store finding cute clothes.
They pick out shorts, a couple cute little dresses a pair of overalls little skirts shoes and bows.

- 1 hour later-

Jen: oh my gosh this was so fun thank you for today court

Courtney: of course honey I knew you would love it isn't baby clothes just the cutest?

Jen: it really is and we got a lot of clothes too.

Courtney: yeah you got a lot for the different months and sizes it'll be good because you have a lot in different sizes as she keeps growing.

Jen: thank you so much honey what would I do without you? seriously you're just the best.

Courtney: aww I love you
She says as she hugs Jen tight.

Courtney helps Jen get back into the suv quickly so nobody sees her.

They both go out to lunch.

Courtney : so honey I know now you can still come out in public because you're not to big yet and you can hide it under clothes but what are you going to Do when you really get big?

Jen: I know well it was hard today even going shopping at that baby store because if they were to see me then the tabloids would go crazy and I don't know if I'm ready for them to know yet.

Courtney : yeah I know honey it's really hard they alway are on the lookout.

Jen: yeah exactly so for now I'll try to hide it and if it comes out then you know David and I will address it and not shy away from it.
I can just imagine the reaction from the media the fans and everything it's going to be crazy.

Courtney: oh my goodness yes it will be they're going to go crazy and be so happy.

Jen: exactly can you imagine.

- 30 minutes later-

Jen and Courtney both finish eating lunch and get back into the their cars.

Courtney: ok sweetie I love you I'll talk to you later

Jen: I love you too honey thanks for today it was fun.

-25 minutes later-
The suv drops Jen back home.

Jen walks into the house

David: greets Jen at the door

Jen: honey I'm back

David: hi honey how was it?

Jen: it was actually really fun and relaxing
Look at all this cute clothes I got for her.

Jen shows David all the clothes she got for the baby

David: oh my goodness I forgot how adorable baby clothes is wow she's is going to be so stylish just like her mom.

Jen: I know I love it.

David goes and puts the baby clothes away in the guest room that will become the nursery.

David: ok honey I put all the baby clothes away in the closet.
So hey are you hungry? because I made a nice big pot of chili.

Jen: ohh honey it smells so good but I just had a huge late lunch with court so I'll probably just have a fruit smoothie.

David: ok no problem I'll make that for you.

David goes into the kitchen and makes Jen a nice fruit smoothie.

Jen: thank you honey you're the best.

David kisses jens forehead

David and Jen spend the rest of the night relaxing and enjoying the weather outside in the backyard

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