What did it mean?

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David: I wake up today not knowing how to feel Jen and I kissed twice last night and it wasn't a script for friends we weren't rehearsing and we weren't acting.
I kissed Jen and it felt right we connected deeply I felt it in my soul. I always have dreamt of that moment and never thought it would come true.

Its honestly a dream come true ever since friends started I've liked Jennifer and that liked turned it love everyday. Working with such and incredible woman.

I loved coming into work everyday and working with 5 of my best friends of the most talented actors.

But with Jen it's something different I fell in love with Jen during the 10 years and was madly in love with her by the time the show ended i never asked her out or anything because I didn't know how she would take it if she was even interested.

And if not I didn't want to jeopardize my friendship with her and our chemistry on screen.

But then she got married and I obviously respected him and her and was so happy for them. But at the same time a little heartbroken that I was never going to get the chance to tell her how I felt. I didn't know what to do so after friends ended I tried to forget up my feeling about her and move on but I never could fully get her out of my mind and heart.

I did meet my amazing incredible ex wife and was truly in love with her. And we had our perfect daughter. But unfortunately it didn't work out and we divorced a couple of years ago.

And ever since then I've been busy working and spending time with my daughter.
But in the back of my mind is always Jen.

I guess I never stoped loving her and I mean it's not hard to see why.
She's stunningly beautiful sweet kind funny warm ambitious friendly and just overall amazing.

Now I don't know what that kiss last night meant does she like me too has she had feelings for me too?

Or was it just a spur of the moment thing?
I have no idea but I have to find out because it will drive me crazy if I don't.

I call Jen

Jen POV:  I wake up to my phone ringing on my nightstand. I look at the screen and it's David.

Jen:Hello?  Jen says in a sleepy raspy voice
David: hey Jen it's me good morning did I wake you?
Jen: good morning Um yeah but that's ok what's up?
David: Ohh I'm sorry I didn't mean too.
Jen: it's ok don't worry I have to wake up anyway it's 9am
David: ok well hey I was wondering if you wanted to maybe you wanted to grab some dinner tonight?
Jen:dinner tonight? Sure that sounds good
David: hey great. Why don't I pick you up say 7?
Jen: yeah that sounds great
David: ok then I'll see you tonight.
Jen: see you tonight

-7 pm-
the doorbell rings
Coming jen say s as she walks to the door putting on her heels.

David freezes in the moment
Wow you look absolutely beautiful.

Aww Dave thank you you look pretty good yourself.

well I tried but nothing can compare to you.
Jen is wearing a beautiful black mid dress with a slit and some heels.

Jen shakes her head as she starts to blush.

David: I got the car ready to go are you ready?

Jen: yes I am let me just lock the door.

David: opens the door for her and then gets in the car.

-30 minuets later-

David: hi yes reservation under schwimmer please

Right this way mister schwimmer.

David lets Jen walk in front of her as they show them to their table.

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