Relaxing beach day

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So today is Valentine's Day it's been a couple of days since our engagement and we've just been enjoying each other's company and hanging out in the hotel😉.

But we leave tomorrow so today we are heading out to the beach to relax and soak up some sun.

We pack everything up and head out.

The suv is there waiting for us.

-1 hour later-

The suv drops us off at a romantic little beach on the coast of France.

Jen: wow this is amazing look how clear the water looks.

David: I know it looks so good.

They head down to the sand.

They rent their own beach chairs and set up the or things.

Jen: starts to put on her sunscreen.

David jumps right in
David: here honey let me help you with that he says with a big smile on his face.

David rubs sunscreen on jens back and neck and shoulders.

David: ok honey you're good to go.

David then applies sunscreen to his face and chest while Jen helps him with his neck and back.

Jen: ok honey are you ready.

David: ready 1..2..3 they hold hands as they run into the water.

David pulls Jen in as he falls down. He then starts swinging her around the water as he hugs her tightly.

David: gosh you're so beautiful honey he says as he kisses her neck passionately.

Jen smiles and plays with his hair as she slicks it back. And kisses him

They both then swim deeper in as they enjoy the warm water. Jen floats on her back while David swims near her. A couple of times going underneath her a lifting her up from under the water.

After a while they rent a paddle boards.
Jen:  here honey you paddle while I sit on the board.

David starts to try to stand on the board. He falls a couple of times.

Jen: come on honey you got this just keep your balance.

David keeps falling off and losing his balance.

David finally is able to stand up and keep his balance he brings to paddle the board while Jen sits and kicks her legs in the water.

Jen: there you go Dave
You know I got to say the view isn't to bad from down here she says as she stares at David's butt.

David : ohh you like what you see huh?
He says as he starts padding while sticking his butt out a little.

David finally gets tired and paddles closer back to the beach.

He sits on the board and faces Jen.

David: wow that is quite a workout my arms and legs are burning.

Jen: I know You looked good doing it's honey I love paddle boarding it gets my arms pumping.

David looks at Jen
David: you seriously are amazing honey I love how much you love working out and taking care of your health. You're so inspiring

Jen: I just love being in control of my own body and feeling good and staying in shape.

David: leans in and kisses Jen I love you honey you inspire me everyday.

They get out of the water and sunbathe a little bit on the beach.
They get some salsa and a sandwich for lunch.

- 2 hours later-

Jen: Mhhh I love being on the beach. She says as she finishes reading her book.

David: I know I could get used to this it's pretty amazing.
David says while laying next to her as he fell asleep with his glasses on.

Jen: omg honey know we really look like lobsters🦞

David: looks at himself on his phone
Wow and I put a lot of sunscreen on too. Jeez this is crazy.

Jen: I told you that's why you literally have to smother a lot of it on because look even with a lot on we're still burnt a little.

David: you're right thank you honey what would I do without you?  And your amazing skincare routine and tricks.

Jen: smiles brightly.

Well hey now we're really each other's lobsters.
They take a selfie and send it to the friends group chat.

Hey Lisa it looks like you were right he really is my lobster☺️🦞❤️

They wash up and get dressed. The suv picks them back up and they head back to the hotel.

David: oh my gosh I seriously burnt pretty badly but that nice cool shower really felt good.

Jen: yeah honey you really did I guess falling asleep even under an umbrella for two hours can still burn you pretty badly.

She rubs some Aveeno and aleo Vera all over his back and arms.

They both pack up and get ready to head home in the morning.

They go out for one more special dinner in Paris and then come back to the hotel.

Jen: what an amazing trip. Thank you for an incredible birthday trip honey I love you.

David: of course baby I feel so special being able to spend your birthday with you together and in such a special place like this and of course the icing on the cake is that we're engaged now.

Jen: smiles as she looks at her hand and hugs David.

He kisses her .

They both head to bed to catch their early flight in the morning.

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