Decorating for the holidays

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So jens been so busy with the morning show coming out and promoting it and I'm just so freaking proud of her she amazes me everyday with her strength and determination and everything and she's such an incredible actress the show is so freaking amazing. Today finally she's off.

So today we're going to decorate the house for the holidays and we're both so excited.

Jen: honey are you ready to decorate?She says as she leans in for a kiss

Dave kisses her back: yeah I'm so excited this is going to be fun working on decorating your house with you.

No no honey our home Jen says as she grabs his hand.
You know you never officially moved in like you still go back and forth between here and your apartment why don't you just do it?

David: you're right well then honey can I move in here with you?

Jen: yes of course you can
She says with a smile.

David: so that's it we officially live here together!!!instead of me just saying that I'm spending the night and going to my house for clothes and everything.

Come here he says as he pulls her in close so we're really doing this this is a big step in our relationship he says smiling .

Jen: I know it really it's crazy how natural it's felt since the beginning we've been dating for six months getting to know everything about each other and now we're officially going to live together.

David: I know it' incredible!!.

Ok so first order of business is the outdoor lights I have some guys that are going to install them and put them on timers it's going to look great.

David: hey why don't we put the tree up?

Jen: yeah that's the next step before we start with decorations around the house.
The tree and ornaments are in my storage closet honey let's go get it.

They pull out the tree and the ornaments.

Jen: ok honey I usually put the tree here next to the fireplace and by the windows.

David: yeah it's the perfect spot David aligns the three and starts putting the pieces together.
Wow honey this is a huge tree it's so tall.

Jen: I know I love it it fits in this space so nicely and looks so amazing when it all decorated.
Jen gets all excited and giggly.

David: and ok honey the last piece is up.

Jen: Okay now let's get to decorating do you like the white lights or colored lights better?
Jen asks David as she's holding both of them out.

David: ohh that's tough I love the way they both look but I think the colored ones will add that extra bit of fun and will still look good with the white of the living room.

Jen: yeah you know what let's do that I usually always do the white lights but I wanted your opinion and to switch it up so let's do colored lights!!!.

David: ok so let's get started I'm going to get up on the ladder and you'll start wrapping it around the bottom and I'll meet you in the middle and go up the rest of the way.

Jen: ok Dave just don't get hurt ok cause it can be real tricky getting the lights to fit perfectly.

David: oh don't worry honey ok ready? He says with a cute smile.

Jen starts wrapping the lights around the bottom part of the tree very carefully as she's trying not to pull any of the branches or lightbulbs out.
Ok honey that's as far as I can reach.

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