Jens birthday/ Proposal day❤️💍

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I wake up this morning super excited and nervous today is the day I'm going to propose to Jen on her birthday on top of the Eiffel Tower.
I look over and see she is still sleeping she is so beautiful even while sleeping I'm so lucky to have her. I give her a small kiss on the cheek.

I get up shower and get dressed then
I go out and buy some roses and a ballon for her to wake up to.

I also order some room service breakfast for when she wakes up.

I head back upstairs and Jen is just starting to wake up.

I go to her side of the bed and kisser her forehead to finish waking her up.

I whisper softly
Happy birthday sweetheart.

She sits up and pulls me up on the bed

Jen: Aww thank you honey she says as she smiles and kisses me on the lips.
What is this?

She asks as she sees the balloons and roses next to the bed.

David: well it's your birthday so you know I had to get you some roses and balloons.

Jen: aww Dave honey she says with a sweet voice.
And you're already all dressed and look so good.

David: of course I wanted to surprise you before you woke up.

- knock on door-
David opens the door

Room service wheels in a cart with breakfast on it.

David: Ahh perfect thank you sir he says.

He closes the door.

Jen: honey breakfast too? She says with a cute smile.

David: of course sweetheart I thought it would be nice to have a nice romantic breakfast on the balcony.

Jen: I love it.

They take their breakfast and eat on the small balcony.

David ordered crepes and fruit and some bacon and eggs.

Jen: wow good job honey these crepes and fresh fruit are delicious I love them.

David: yes!! I thought you know mixing in some good protein fruit and of course you have to have a treat.
He says with a smile.

- 1 hour later-
They finish up eating breakfast

And Jen takes a shower and gets dressed and ready.

Jen: ok honey I'm all ready
She says as she walks out of the bathroom
Jen comes out of the bathroom wearing a beautiful red dress with some gold wedges.

David: jaw drops to the floor
Wow honey you look gorgeous he says as he smiles from ear to ear and bites his lip.

Jen: twirls for him.
Aww thank you sweetie.

Jen grabs her purse and they head out.

The suv takes them to a river where David planned a romantic boat ride down a canal.

He helps Jen out of the suv.

Jen: wow honey this is so pretty. She says as she see the canal.

David grabs her hand and leads her to the boat.
He helps her get in carefully.

He then follows her in
David:  so I thought this would be a nice way to start off your birthday in Paris taking a small little boat ride down a beautiful canal just the two of us.

Jennifer and David: Ever lasting love❤️Where stories live. Discover now