Wedding day❤️💍 part 2

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Jen starts walking around the corner as the music continues to play.

David POV: As the music begins to play I feel my eye getting watery and my heart getting faster this is it I am going to see my beautiful bride and my best friend walk down the aisle toward me.

As Jen turns the corner I finally see her she looks absolutely stunning I'm am literally the luckiest man in the world.

I try to hold it in but as she is walking closer and closer to me I start to tear up and tears start rolling down my face I dreamt of this moment for so long and I can't believe it's finally here.

Jen: As I am walking down the aisle I focus my attention on Dave as I see him start to cry I try my best to hold it in so that I don't ruin my makeup.

As I finally reach the end of the aisle to the beach he greets me and help me up a couple of steps.

David: Hi!! He says in his little shy voice
you look stunning honey.

Jen smiles big
Jen: hi honey you look so handsome.

The officiant starts the ceremony

It finally gets time to say our vows.

Officiant: David and Jennifer have chosen to write their own vows.
He says as he allows us to start speaking them.

David goes first:
David:From the moment I met you I was hooked from your bubbly personality to your beautiful heart to your beautiful ocean eyes. I was mesmerized who would've thought that filming that amazing tv show would lead me to find the love of my life. Jen honey you and I have been through so much together from holding back our real feelings to difficult relationships to literally not speaking to each other for years. But the one thing that remained strong through all of it was the love and admiration we have for each other and now that we're together and here in front of our family and friends I want to promise you that as your husband everyday I will remind you how much I love you and how amazing you are I promise to be your biggest supporter and best friend. I love you so much and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you.

The crowd starts tearing up.

Jen: trying to hold back tears

Jen: Dave my Dave she says as she runs his hands gently with her thumb.
25 years ago I met the most amazing man the cutest shyest most loving man I have ever know. When I think back to that first time I met you I knew there was something different about you you made me feel a certain type of way and it took me a while to figure out what it was but I now know without a doubt that it was love at first sight.
I am so lucky to be able to be loved by you our journey has been a crazy beautiful mess from not revealing our true feelings to not talking for years to finally revealing our feelings to this moment right here. but I wouldn't have it any other way I know everything happens for a reason and all those things happened so we could have this magical day here today I love you so much Dave and I can't wait to be your wife an spend the rest of our life's together.

David and Jen along with the rest of the crowd all have tears In their eyes.

The officiant
Finishes all the saying

Repeat after me
With this ring as a token of my love and affection I thee wed

They both repeat it as they put their rings on each other's fingers.

David kisses jens ginger after he places it on.

Officiant: well then by the power vested in me by the state of California I pronounce you husband and wife .
He looks at David you may kiss the bride.

Jennifer and David: Ever lasting love❤️Where stories live. Discover now