Important talk

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I can't believe you're getting married in three days to David this is crazy.
Courtney says and her and Jen walk her backyard looking at the venue.

Jen: I know it's so surreal I can't believe that I'm getting married to this incredible man the man of my dreams.
And it's all thanks to you and Lisa really making me see that he was and has always been the one.

Courtney hugs Jen
Courtney: you two are meant to be you're perfect for each other we've known that even the guys knew that  since we were filming friends.

I'm just so excited for you honey you deserve true love a man who loves you unconditionally. Just like David.

Jen: I know you're right thank you sweetie.
It's just.

Courtney could see that there was something wrong with Jen.

Courtney: what's wrong honey?
Come on you know you can't hide anything from me tell me

Jen and Courtney go sit on the sofa inside.

Jen: nothing nothing it's stupid it's just court you know me better than anyone and when I was married twice before I really thought they were each going to be it. And they were/ are great men and it didn't work out and I don't want that to happen with David too because he is so amazing and I just can't get divorced again am I unlovable or something? Is it something that I do? Or what?

Courtney hugs Jen
Courtney: oh Jen come on honey you know that those were not you fault you loved both of those guys so much and I know they loved you too.
But sometimes things don't happen for a reason you know.
Your first marriage you and brad just kinda had trouble in your marriage and all the tabloids and drama got to you guys. And with Justin it was you guys just realizing that you're better off as friends than anything else.
But it's nothing you did honey you're literally a big walking heart full of love. You're such An amazing person.

Listen to me it's true honey and you know it's true with both of those marriages and relationships you were vulnerable and open and just your true self and they loved you and accepted you.
But they didn't work out but with David it's something different you've been in love with him for over 25 years and you hid your feeling both of you did.
For so long so when you two finally got together it was like instant love and everything for you guys because you're so comfortable around each other. You two are meant to be I've literally never seen either of you guys so happy. Especially you and you know I don't lie to you honey.
Really.  I know there is no way you and David won't get through anything you two are the perfect team because he is just like you he is one big heart full of love.
And together you two are the perfect match.

Jen looks at Courtney with her eyes filled with tears.
As she bites her lip.

Jen: I love you so much court thank you
You're right you're so right I'm just so nervous because I just really want this to work out I love him so Much he's unlike anyone I've ever dated and he really is my best friend and perfect match.
And I want him to be it.

Court: and he is he's your other half. And I mean have you seen the way he loves you he's never gonna ever let you go He's crazy about you.

Jen: ugh you're so right and I'm never gonna ever let him go either he's everything I've ever wanted and needed I let him go once and I'm not gonna make that mistake twice.

Courtney: yes honey your love is so strong you two are as the kids say goals.

They both laugh.

Jen: yeah tank you honey you're so right. Jen leans in and gives Courtney a tight hug.

They both make some lunch and hang out for the rest of the day.

-4 hours later-
Jen: thanks for today court it was really just what I needed I love you thank you for understanding me and being my best friend.

Courtney: of course honey anytime I love you so much.

Jen: I better get going it's 6 pm and I know that I have to get everything ready at home and the decorations and everything are getting here tomorrow.

Courtney: ok honey and hey don't worry about anything your wedding is going to look beautiful ok?
You can come over tomorrow and take a look at everything while it's being set up and then when it's all set up.

Jen: I will so I'll call you tomorrow.
Jen says as she hugs Courtney and they kiss each other cheeks.

Courtney: yeah absolutely goodnight.

Courtney closes the door and Jen goes home.

Jen: I get home and I know that Dave isn't here because we both made the decision to not see each other a couple of days before the wedding so that when we see each other on the wedding it will be even more special.

Being at courts today was exactly what I needed just a nice relaxing day with my best friend.
I haven't even checked my phone I open my phone and sees a message from Dave.

-Text message-
David: hi honey just thinking of you and how much I already miss your beautiful face. I hope you and court have a fun day today I love you so much and can't wait to marry you.

Jen: aww I'm sorry I haven't texted you all day honey I've seriously just been hanging out with court all day relaxing and talking. I miss your face so much too how am I gonna sleep tonight without you. I can't wait to become your wife❤️.

David: ohh that's ok honey I'm glad you had your bestie day. I know it's gonna be hard to sleep alone too I'm so used to cuddling with you. I love you so much I can't wait to be your husband I'll call you tomorrow goodnight baby❤️

Jen: you're the sweetest ok sweetie goodnight I love you too.💕

- end of text convo-

I love him so much I grab a bottle of smart-water head upstairs brush my teeth change into my pajamas and go to bed.

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