Never seen you this way before

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Today I'm having lunch with some of my girlfriends I meeting up with Lisa court and Ellen. We're going to have a girls lunch.

I finish getting ready and then go to meet them.

As I'm getting out of the car I see a couple paparazzi already. I just wave and smile as they ask me questions and make my way to the restaurant.

The girls are already there waiting for me.

I walk to the table and greet them.

Hey you guys!!!

Jen!!! Hi

They all hug me.

Ellen: well you look really happy
Court: yeah there's something different about you
Lisa: yeah I wonder what you've been up to

Do I? I mean I don't know maybe I am

Lisa: oh yeah I mean it's all over your face

Ellen: I haven't see you this happy in a couple years

Court: I know I'm so happy for you
So what's been going on honey?
You're glowing.

I mean it might have something to do with the fact that I'm dating the most amazing man.

Everyone: yes yes tell us more how's he treating you?how's it going?

Jen: it's amazing honestly he's incredible a couple of weeks ago he surprised me with a romantic dinner at his place and hid it by telling me it was just to show me his house which he did buy making me dinner.

He also lit candles layed rose petals all over the floor.
And also had a driver picked me up he also was playing music and he kept telling me over and over again how I deserve this and more and how I'm incredible how he's so lucky that he love me just everything I've ever wanted to hear.

And then we went upstairs he showed me the rest of the bedrooms and his bedroom and um yeah I spent the night.

Jen says with a huge smile on her face.

Court: you guys? Did you?

Jen nods her head yeah we did.

Ellen Courtney and Lisa:
Oh wow omg well ok then we'll just leave it at that.

Lisa: yeah it's like Ross and Rachel all over again except it's in real life.

Jen: yeah it is but it feels so different this time like something straight out of a movie it's amazing.

Ellen: I mean we've seen you happy before but I don't think I've seen you this happy and glowing for a long time we're just so happy for you guys.

Court: we really are you guys make a great match
It's perfect.

Lisa: oh yeah definitely I think that he can really be it for you I know you thought that in your past two relationships but you know things happened. But with you two I mean come on I don't see that.

Jen: yeah he's absolutely different than really all the other guys I've dated or even been married to. So I don't even know right now I'm just so happy being with him.

Ellen: aww well we're happy for you and him

Group hug

They all hug.

Jen: well thanks for the amazing lunch girls I love you guys. She hugs them all.

Yeah hey and again honey congratulations we love you and are so happy for you they all say as they hug her back.

Jen: *phone rings*
It's Dave
Phone convo:
Hi honey what's up?

David: hi sweetie hey I just got out of my last meeting for my new project and it's launching tomorrow and the premier is tomorrow so I was wondering would you like to be my date?

Jen: oh wow honey that's great
You're date huh are you sure you want to take me?

David: of course sweetie

Jen: of course I would love to be your date.

David: it's gonna be so great ok so then I'll go over to your house in the suv around 4 ok?

Jen: yeah that sounds great I'll see you then.

David: ok honey bye.

Jen: bye

They hang up the phone.

Jen: wow I can't believe we're going out together tomorrow in front of cameras and everything.

But I'm so happy for him I know he's worked so hard on this project and I'm so honored he asked me to be his date.

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