Up all night

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David wakes up to grab a glass of water and check on Scarlett as he tip toes past her he kisses his finger and taps her foot gently.

He walk back into the room to see Jen fast asleep looking like an angel.

It's early it's 11pm and everyone is sleeping he's so happy to see his beautiful family together.
He is missing cleo and can't wait to spend time with her soon.

As he lays back in bed jen feels him get in and cuddles up next to him as she lays her head on his chest.

I love you he whispers to her as he covers her up.

David closes his eyes as he drifts off to sleep.

Jen wakes up at 3:45 when she hears Scarlett whimpering she goes over and checks on her.

Oh honey what's wrong? She picks her up and checks her diaper.

Nothing there are you hungry again my girl?
Okay mommy will be right back.

She places Scarlett back in her crib while she goes into the kitchen and warms up a bottle of milk.

Scarlett begins to cry a little louder now which wakes David up.

He immediately jumps up to check on her
Shh shh honey let's not wake up mo

Before he finishes his sentence jen walks into the room with a bottle of milk in her hand

Ohh honey did she wake you I didn't want her too I wanted you to sleep through the night.

Jen tells David as she sees him leaning up against the crib.

No are you kidding me I wanted you to sleep though the night I got up right away to try to soothe her back to sleep before you woke up but when I looked on the bed you weren't here.

Oh yeah I woke up a couple of minuets ago when she started crying.

I think she's hungry so I'm gonna give her a small little bottle

David helps hand Scarlett to Jen as she sits on the bed.

Clyde tried to climb on.
David pets his head and he gives him his bone.

Scarlett latched onto the bottle right away.

So you were hungry huh? Baby girl jen says as she rubs Scarletts tummy.

David smiles. As he sits there admiring the beautiful sight next to him.

He puts a pillow behind jens head to prop her up.


Nothing I just can't believe how lucky I am
Have I ever told you how grateful I am for you?

Jen pouts her mouth and does her little puppy eyes.
Yes you have thank you Dave I'm so unbelievably lucky to have you in my life.

He leans over and gives her a small kiss on the lips.
And caress her face.

Scarlett finished feeding.

Ok baby girl let's get you burped.

David says as he grabs her from jens lap and places the burp rag over his shoulder.

Here honey I got this why don't you go back to bed.
I know you must be exhausted.

Jens smiles I'll just sit her for a little.
She says as she places her head against the headboard.

David lightly taps Scarlett's back

She spits up a little milk. David finished cleaning up the baby and brings her from his shoulder to hold her in his arms.

There we go all better you're fed burped and all ready to go back to bed.
He kisses her forehead.

Jen leans over and kisses her.
Goodnight baby girl sleep tight.

David places her back in her bassinet.

David walks back to the bed. As he lays down jen looks at him with adoring eyes.

I love you you're such a good daddy thank you my love.

David leans over and kisses jens cheek. For you and our little family I'll do anything and everything I love you girls so much.

Jen smiles as she lays her head on his shoulder
If this a dream I don't wake me up.

He grabs her hand and kisses it. You amaze me everyday.

David turns off the nightlight as they both drift off to sleep in each others arms.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2021 ⏰

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