Happy new year!!!

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So today is New Year's Eve!!! Jen and I don't really have any plans but I think we're getting together tonight with some friends at a hotel in downtown which should be fun.

But Jen and I start the day off by doing some exercise

We run on the treadmill for a while and then do some kickboxing.

Jen is seriously so incredible at kickboxing and every exercise she kicks my butt and I love it.

She really doesn't even need me with her but I love that she invited me and it's something we can do together.

We go back home and shower
I think I messed up my wrist while doing one of the punches it's really hurting me.

David: are you ok babe.

Jen: it hurts pretty bad I do remember landing awkwardly on a upper hand jab cut but it didn't hurt then.

David: ohh honey I'm sorry here let me get you some ice so we can try to get the swelling down.

David gets Jen some ice in a paper towel and places it softly on her wrist.

Jen: ouch wow I must have pulled a muscle or twisted something.
But hopefully it gets better in a couple of days.

David: yeah you probably hyperextended your wrist while doing the punch which probably made one of your muscles pull itself hard and twist a little.

Jen: ohh wow since when do you know so much about Medicine?

David: oh you know since working with all those dinosaurs you learn a thing or two.
Haha but no seriously I've always been Interested in learning about this stuff and then having a daughter you learn things.

Jen: ohh that's right your paleontologist days probably taught you a lot. Hahaha

David helps ice down jens wrist a little longer and then gets her a wrist brace.
Ok honey this should hold it in place well for a couple of days and just try to. It put any pressure on it.

Jen: ok thank you babe I will. I normally treat these things on my own or with my trainer but it's nice having you here to take care of me.

David: of course honey that's why I'm here for you are such a naming independent person but I love being here and helping you.

Jen: ok I'm am just about done how about you honey?

David: finishes tying his tie. Yup all done.

Jen: wow you look so good Dave she says smiling at him.

David: well thank you but you look gorgeous honey I can't believe you're my date for tonight.

He kisses her

The suv comes and picks them up in the driveway.

David: how's your wrist honey is it any better?

Jen: Um it's not a sore with it in the brace because I'm not moving it so hopefully that keeps helping it.

David: hopefully it will he says as he kisses her forehead.

-30 minutes later-
They arrive at the hotel.

David steps out of the suv first and help Jen with her other hand as she gets out.

They head inside to the top floor.

When they get to the top they see all of their friends there.

They walk around and say hi to everybody.

David pours them each a glass of a glass of wine.

Here you go honey. They each eat a couple of strawberries.

Courtney and Lisa come over and say Hi

Courtney and Lisa: hey you guys!!!

Jen: oh my girls hi!!! you look amazing

David: Lisa court hey you guys look great
They hug

Lisa: and you two seriously look adorable together omg every time I see you I can't get enough of you guys.

Courtney: I know!!! They're the cutest most adorable couple.

Jen and David: hug each other and he kisses her on the forehead.

Lisa: I love you both so much
Courtney: me too ugh!!!

They spend some more time talking with Ellen and Mary and everyone else.

As the clock is about to turn to midnight they turn on the tv and and start to all get excited and huddle together.

Jen and David stand next to each other as they watch the seines count down.


Happy new year!!!!

David grabs Jen and wraps his hands around her back
Happy new year sweetheart I love you he says as he kisses her.

When they finish kissing Jen looks up to him and smiles. Happy new year Dave I love you too.

They pour another glass of wine and cheers to their love health friends and family.

They go and hug everyone and wish everyone a happy new year and then head home.

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