Labor has started

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I wake up in the middle of the night with a couple of contractions I've had contractions a lot recently but they have all been Braxton Hicks ones so I just reach over to my night stand and grab my bottle of smart water and take a couple of sips. I don't want to wake Dave and worry him because he hasn't gotten much sleep the past couple of nights because of me not feeling well and taking care of me.

-5 minutes later-

The contractions are still not going away and they seem to be coming closer together I decide to wake Dave up.

David honey wake up. Jen says as she lightly shakes David's arm.

David: what's wrong honey? He says with a worried tone in his voice.

Jen: honey I've been having contractions non stop for the past 10 minutes and they seem to be coming closer together.

David jumps out of bed excitedly.
David: ok are you sure? How far apart are they coming?

Jen: about 2 min..utes ouch
Jen pauses to take a breath as a contraction comes in.

David: ok sweetie breathe
He rubs jens back as he helps her through the contraction.

David sits with jen on the edge of the bed as they continue counting the minutes in between contractions and how long they are lasting.

David: ok honey yeah I think we should go to the hospital your contractions are getting closer together and they are coming in a little stronger.

but honey what if we go in and this is f..alse again jen says as she bends over in pain from a strong contraction.

David: I don't think it will be this time sweetie

David says as he helps Jen get up slowly.

David grabs the hospital bag his phone and helps Jen get dressed.

Jen puts on a t shirt on some leggings with slippers.

David helps Jen down the stairs where he grabs the keys and his wallet off the counter.

David helps lead Jen out of the house and into the car where he puts the rest of the stuff in the back seat.

David: ok honey let's go have this baby!!!

David is so excited.

- 25 minutes later-

They arrive at the hospital where David helps Jen get into the wheel chair he grabs the bags from the backseat and head in.

David: hello I think my wife is in labor her contractions are only about two minutes apart and they are lasting about 25-30 second each.

Receptionist: oh wow ok then let's get her into her room.
Name please?

David: Aniston. The receptionist finishes filing out everything and sends Jen and David up to their private room.

The nurse helps Jen into the bed where it seems like her contractions have seemed to be getting closer and closer.

Nurse: ok Jen we'll let doctor Garrett that you are here so he will be here soon.

Jen shakes her head in agreement
Jen: ok that sounds good.
T...hank you. Jen says talking through another contraction.

Nurse: ok now I'm just going to check how many centimeters you're dilated. And get you hooked up to a baby monitor so we can check on baby girl.
The nurse hooks up the monitor to keep an eye on the baby

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