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I remember walking into third grade for the first time. Seeing everyone's faces, and I was excited. We sat in our seats, and our teacher introduced himself, and had each one of us tell something about ourselves. I told everyone I love playing games and sports. One response in particular confused me, a boy named Bakugou.

"I already have my quirk, and I'm stronger than everyone here."
All of the kids surrounded him, expressing almost a sense of submissiveness. Bakugou was strong, and easily impressed the others. All but me.

At recess the kids crowded him as he decided what they were playing.

"Cops and robbers, and I'm gonna win. I'm a cop and I'm going to catch all the robbers like All Might!" he then assigned people either cop or a robber. I was a robber.

The cops counted as we robbers hid. I positioned myself in a tree, and watched as other robbers scrambled to find a spot. Finally time was up. I thought about how unfair it was to be called a robber, unless I stole something, so I looked around for something that I liked. Bakugou had exactly that. A cool red and black bracelet was wrapped around his hand. I would wait for him to get close, his back facing me and I would run behind him snatching it off his hand. It took me about ten seconds to accomplish.

"Hey what the heck you cant steal that!" He screamed after realizing what I had done.

"Well I'm not a robber unless I steal something, so if you catch me I'll give it back, but if you cant by the time the bell rings, its mine forever!" I said sticking my tongue out running backwards facing him.

"Well your not gonna get it because your gonna be in jail!" He screamed again, this time smoke seemed to come out of his ears.

"We will see about that." I teased

He chased me all around, and more and more cops came after me as many of the robbers were locked up. Pretty soon I was the last one, and fending for myself.

"Ahaha ya'll are slow!" I swerved through the swings looking behind me to see everyone. A person was missing from the kids chasing after me. Bakugou.

"Your trapped now!" I hear the voice from in front of me. I look ahead and Bakugou was about ten yards before me. I was going to fast to stop and my feet wouldn't stop moving either. Bakugou's expression changed when he realized what was about to happen. He began to turn slowly like he was running the opposite way from me. Unfortunately he couldn't move his legs quick enough, and I ran smack into him. My right leg had gone in between his as they intertwined. He fell back and I landed slightly on top of him. Everyone stopped in their tracks. Bakugou didn't move. It was awkward, but I was to focused on winning and technically he still hadn't tagged me, so I got up and ran.

"You technically still haven't caught me yet." I turned back realizing nobody was chasing me.

Bakugou looked up with an angry expression. Sparks erupted from his hands propelling him off the ground into a standing position. The other kids eyes widened in shock and fear. Bakugou kept his head low as he walked slowly towards me. As he lifted his head sparks flew from his palms once again, and his eyes seemed bloodthirsty. I walked backwards keeping my eyes on him, sad to admit I was scared. Scared to look away, because something bad would happen if I did. My back had pressed up against the playhouse wall, and I was unable to go any further. Bakugou was only a meter away from me, and his hands blew  up several tiny explosions as his left hand reached out to me.

The bell rang.

"Game over I win." My voice cracked as I tried to hide the fear with confidence.

The boy standing in front of me gritted his teeth. His hand slammed next to my face. Explosions echoed throughout my right ear. I crouched down in pain clutching the ear that was spilling a red liquid.
" Dude what's your problem?" A boy looked at Bakugou and then helped me up.
Bakugou looked up immediately. His head was dropped and he was avoiding eye contact so he didn't see what was going on. He saw the blood from my ear flowing down my neck and staining my shirt. His eyes opened wide and he looked at his palms.
"Help her to the teacher!" A girl instructed as she grabbed my arm and walked me away.

Days passed after I left school that afternoon. Recovery for a busted eardrum required a few days. It hurt badly, and I would never hear the same from that ear for a long time. I wouldn't be allowed to play with the other kids for a few weeks, it was worse than it seemed. They were afraid id hurt myself even more.
But when I returned to school things were different.

" oh my god are you OK Yuan?" Asked a girl as my school mates crowed my desk in the back.
(Yuan basically means Y/n which = your name)

"Yeah I'm totally fine. I can't hear in that ear yet though so I can't hear as well." I smiled in pain
The girls glanced over at Bakugou in the front. He was looking at us.
"He is such a jerk I can't believe he did that. You have to suffer because of him." Another girl said
"No it was just an accident. I know he didn't mean to do it so I forgive him. Also it's kind of my fault for taunting him."
"How can you be so chill about this?And how are you blaming yourself?" More questions were asked
"Anyway I'm over it so it doesn't matter anymore. Class is about to start anyway."
They all departed to their own desks.
I caught Bakugou's eye again and this time decided to look back. I smiled and gave a small wave. He scoffed.

During lunch I decided to eat outside because I wanted to avoid everyone and their questions. And of course when I got out there Bakugou was sitting on the bench. I sat down anyway.
"Hey! I wasn't being serious about keeping your bracelet so you can have it back." I said taking the bracelet off my hand.
"No you can keep it it's worthless anyway." He said turning his head away.
"Oh okay..." I put it back on and stared at my sandwich.
A grumble of words came from the boys mouth.
" sorry what was that?" I asked with a bite of food in my mouth.
" i'm sorry." He spoke up
I rubbed the back of my neck.
"It's fine it was my fault for taunting you. Can we still be friends though?" I asked
"Tch I don't give a crap."
"I'll take that. So I'm calling us friends." I put my hand out in front for him to shake.
He rolled his eyes and shook effortlessly.

And that was the beginning of the friendship. We ate lunch together everyday after that. He was always there, and I would join him. He never seemed bothered or to care, so I just kept coming back.

We shared good memories together. One of them was Easter. The teachers hid eggs around the playground and grass. And as we all lined up at the starting line Bakugou and I quarreled about who would get more eggs.
"Hey I have an idea we should team up so we get more eggs than everybody else." I lit up
"That's actually an okay idea." He nodded.
"Alright you go that way towards the grass and I'll go to the trees." I said pointing in the directions.
"Since when do you boss me around!" Bakugou growled
"Because I came up with a plan quickest." I smirked
"Psh whatever I don't care." He crossed his arms.
Suddenly the timer sounded and we were off.

Thirty minutes later they called us in. Bakugou and I sat together at the table splitting the candy in the eggs evenly. 

My favorite memory of us was the last day of school or the last day we would see each other. The class had moved the desks in the corner and a giant space was left. The teacher pulled out some sheets and let us make forts. I sat myself in a tight corner between two cabinets. The space left two feet of room in between. Bakugou came over and sat next to me, our bodies quashed together.
"Wow you couldn't get any closer." I chuckled
"Is that a challenge." He smirked and scooted even closer squeezing the air out of me.
"Okay okay." I said out of breath
He laughed.

The teacher asked us to clean up because the day was almost over. Pretty soon everyone's parents came to pick them up as well. And that was the last day I saw Bakugou.

Bakugou x reader x Todoroki: The Best for HerWhere stories live. Discover now