The pain lasts longer

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You stood there, encircled by his arms. Taking deep breaths as you relaxed.
"Tch, your one hell of a person to get through me. I can admit that, dumbass." He smiled.
"Heh, don't inflate my ego too much." You laughed.
"That'd be your fault idiot, but I can deal with that." The ash blonde retorted.
"Oh whatever, but seriously, we need to get back to the others, though I hate to ruin the moment."  You began to let go as you formed a grin.
He sighed out, looking at you with displeasure.
"Fine, dumbass."
"Why do you call me dumbass after every sentence it's getting old?" You laughed.
He widened his eyes before averting his attention, "S...shut up idiot, I just don't know what else to call you."
"How about my name!" You tilted your head.
The ash blonde paused.
"Everyone calls you by your name, I wouldn't be different from everyone else if I just called you something normal like that. It's just what I call you so that... you don't get...confused. You'll always know it's me if I call you dumbass, cause nobody else calls you that like I do." He stuttered.
"It's sounds like you came up with that on the spot." You smiled with a soft chuckle.
"So what if I did, it doesn't make it any less true." The boy told you with confidence.
"I'll take that, but still. Dumbass?" You laughed as you questioned it.
"Stop complaining, I think it's fitting so I'm not changing what I call you." He said stubbornly.
"Alright, then what do I get to call you? Jerk?" You raised your brows.
"No way dumbass, just keep calling me Katsuki. Your the only one who deserves that title." He told you.
"Dang, I was hoping for a nickname. Though I kinda like the sound of king explosion murder." You said sarcastically.
Pink struck his cheeks, "I'd kill you if you called me that."
"Hah, yeah that's the worst name I've ever heard someone choose for a hero name." You let out a laugh.
"What do you mean dumbass, that was perfectly planned out." He argued.
"Yeah, cause it's very fitting to have a threatening hero name for a hero." You retorted with a friendly smile.
"What the hell was yours then dumbass, with your brain it couldn't have been much better than mine?" He shot back.
"Sera Eterna." You answered clearly.
He eyes gave you with a serious look.
"Tch, better than I thought."

You knew from how he responded he recognized it as your moms hero name.
"Well duh, I've got more creativity than you." You joked.
"Yeah yeah, whatever idiot."

You walked beside him, realizing you could now see some of your classmates gathered at the entrance.
Bakugou narrowed his eyes.
"Oh chill out Katsuki, stop making that face and be normal." You elbowed him.
"Why should I, Your the only one I want to spend time with." He asked rhetorically.
"I know that's not true, you just won't admit you really do like hanging out with the guys. At least Kirishima if anyone." You smirked.
"Tch, you pay way too much attention that it's scary." He clicked his tongue.
"You can talk. You pay just enough attention as I do, and you always notice the little things." Your voice was clear.
He gave you a side glance before looking forward again.

"Hey sorry, we kinda got distracted and fell behind. Who else are we missing?" You waved to Iida and the others.
"Currently we are missing Mineta and Kaminari." Iida answered as he pushed up his glasses.
"What? Kaminari was with us before Bakugou and I got separated." You stated.
"Yeah Kaminari got distracted I think, we turned around and all three of you were gone. We assumed he was with you." Mina spoke up.
"Eh, lets just leave em. Therly're probably doing something creepy." Sero added.
You laughed, "I just hope Mineta hasn't used his height as an advantage to peek under skirts. He's only smart when it's for his own cause." Suddenly chills went up your spine.
All the girls clenched their teeth as a dreadful feeling came over them.
"Yeah let's just leave them." Asui agreed.
"Iida can handle it, right Iida? Since your so fast the rest of us could leave to the ice rink while you get them, class rep." Midoriya suggested.
"Actually that is not a bad idea. I will be back, stay together. I trust you will be safe and head straight to the rink. I'll be back in a jiffy, count on me fellow classmates." He zoomed off.

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