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"Who is that?" Bakugou asked, several emotions filled the words.
"That's a villain." I mumbled
"The smokes clearing." Todoroki whispered as he took his hand off his mouth. Bakugou and I did the same.
"So we're not allowed to fight huh?" Bakugou developed a look in his eyes. I'd seen it before during his and Midoriya's battle during training. It meant absolute hunger.

The villain sat up, we could barely hear it's words as a severed hand appeared from behind him.
I held my mouth when it looked at us. Something like that couldn't be human could it? It doesn't look human, it looks more like Nomu.
It slowly rose itself from the ground and began approaching us.
"Flesh, flesh, need flesh." He spoke
Nomu's can't talk, that's a person all right.

Mandalay's voice came into my head again, "Students you have permission to engage in combat. Protect yourselves at all costs and return to camp immediately. We obtained info that it's after a student named Kacchan. If you hear this, you need to find safety. Good luck!"
Bakugou smirked wildly with his teeth.
"Bakugou, you heard that right? You can't be so reckless!" Todoroki looked at him with extreme concern and seriousness.
"Yeah I got it I'm not stupid." He clenched his fists.
"And Yuan, you cant fight. You might pass out." Todoroki looked at me.
"Yeah, I might get it the way, but right now we need to focus on him." I admitted with clenched teeth.
"I need your blood!" He yelled as he was sprung into the air by blades coming from his mouth. They held him up.
"Bakugou don't!" I yelled as he sprung forward, blades were flying towards him.
Todoroki acted quickly as he made a barrier of ice in front of Bakugou.
"You can't do that! You'll get killed." Todoroki barked at him.
"Shut up!" He exclaimed as he went around the wall of ice.
I ejected my thread and wrapped it around him, pulling him back behind as I watched the blades slice through the frozen barrier.
"Bakugou you can't underestimate him. Put your ego aside and think of your friends!" I yelled.
"Stop nagging me!" He growled again as he picked at my threads. I released him.
"If we use our fire we could risk spreading the fire in the forest and killing people Bakugou. Take a second to think." Todoroki tried again.
"It's time to blast this guy. If the trees burn just cover them then with ice stupid." He looked back with aggravation.
"If I let off that much ice at once the ice could decrease my vision and I wouldn't be able to see." Todoroki defended.
"And if we can't work together we'll all die anyway!" I added.
"I get it! Lay off!" Bakugou said.
Finally the blades sliced through Todoroki's ice completely breaking it. He reacted as his ice built another barricade through his right foot.
Several blades started breaking through anyway.
"Yuan!" I heard Todoroki's voice and looked his way as I felt my body being thrown to the ground.
I groaned and opened my eyes to see an ash blond head on my chest.
He quickly rolled off me.
"What the heck was that for?!" I exclaimed in question.
"I just saved your life idiot! You didn't see that blade almost slice through you!" He said as he stood up.
He offered me a hand while avoiding my gaze. A scowl plastered across his face.
I grabbed it and he pulled me up.
"Yuan are you all right?" Todoroki asked me, his eyebrows placed in a concerned expression.
I nodded.
"Give us some light!" We heard yelling from behind us.
"It's Shoji and Midoriya!" I smiled.
"Is that Tokoyami?" Todoroki questioned.
"That's dark shadow." I stood surprised
"It's weakened by light. Bakugou use your explosions." Todoroki ordered.
"Not yet. Get out of the way!" Bakugou instructed, and for some reason we followed.
Dark shadow went over the ice and took on the villain.
"Now finish him." Bakugou cheered as the villain was launched into a tree.
"Now!" Todoroki exclaimed as he shot fire from his left side. Bakugou shot bright explosions.
Dark shadow screeched and disappeard back into a kneeling Tokoyami. He breathed heavy, "Thank you, you saved me."
"We could barely defend against that guy but you took him out instantly." Todoroki stood.
"Shoji, and Midoriya I apologize. I let my emotions consume me, and let Dark Shadow become even more powerful. I couldn't control him." Tokoyami had a sad look in his eyes.
"Shoji your hand." I gasped one of his many arms.
"It was my fault." Tokoyami admitted.
"I'll deal with it later. That's what you'd say if we switched roles right now." Shoji tilted his head and smiled through his mask. Giving comfort in a time of panic.
"We can't waste time. Their after Kacchan, and we need to find safety as soon as we can. With this group, we could probably even take on AllMight." Midoriya explained from his spot of Shoji's back.
"Let's go. Make sure to keep up." Todoroki looked at Bakugou.
"I don't need your protection." Bakugou complained.
"Oh shut up and listen to us." I stared him in the eyes. I'd had enough of his antics.
He went quiet and we began moving.
We had been running for a few minutes, many of us were running on complete adrenaline at this point.

Bakugou x reader x Todoroki: The Best for HerWhere stories live. Discover now