And it wasn't worth it

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"Can I ask you something?" You asked the boy skating beside you.
Todoroki raised his brows slightly as he nodded once.
"Do you think that in the future you'll look back on moments like this and miss it? Or do you think wherever you are in the future, it will be better?" You asked as you looked at him.
He gave you a long side glance before tilting his head upward and looking off in thought.
"Whose to say it can't be both." He more so stated than asked.
"What do you mean?" You questioned with surprise of his response.
"I don't think it has to be one or the other. It's possible that the future could be better than the present, but I think I would still miss my time with everyone right now. Because your making more good memories but you can still miss the old ones." He explained.
Your lips parted before you smiled.
"I think that's a great way of thinking about it." You looked to him.

He looked out the corner of his eye, smiling slightly as he began, "I'm glad."

A silence brewed, and your brows furrowed as you had not wanted to bring this up, but it was necessary.
"Shoto, we should stay like this." You stated with a clear uneasy sensation.
His eyes narrowed in question, "I'm not sure I understand."
"I mean... that we shouldn't go any further than friends. I was afraid that if I chose Katsuki over you I would loose you at the same time, and vise versa. But I realize now that just because if I'm with Katsuki, it doesn't mean I still can't make memories with you. I don't know what the future is like but I'm perfectly fine with everything right now, and I still have plenty of time to decide what I want. But I feel like a jerk because I couldn't choose one without hurting the other and I was just trying to keep it so neither of you got hurt. But It was wrong, someone is going to end up hurt either way. I hate that, so I played with emotions and couldn't say what I was really feeling. So, for now, I'm confident that it's Katsuki. I'm not sure if I can call it love yet, but he is the one I want to be with. So I can't do this to him. I just want you to know that." You spoke with reserve.

Todoroki's eyes widened further as he slowed down to stop his skating on the ice.
You slowed down as well, stopping a good five feet in front of him before you turned.

You watched him sigh out, a pained look forming his expression, "I was in the wrong too." He admitted.
"I don't especially like talking about my feelings, and frankly they confuse me, so I was trying to avoid this as well but I see there is no point in hiding it. It would just make me less mature, and that's not the type of person I want to be." He spoke, an ashamed tone sounded within his clear voice.
"I'm sorry to bring this subject up now, but we should go someplace private." You spoke.
He looked away, "yeah."

Todoroki skated behind you to the side of the rink where the open gate was, and gave a supporting hand as you walked off the ice too the separated benches.
He sat beside you, knowing full well this conversation would be hard.

"I made a huge mistake. I wasn't honest with myself or either of you, and this being the first time I've ever felt like this towards someone, I was confused. I just didn't want to hurt you. I told Katsuki that he didn't have anything to worry about and that I was choosing him, right before we got here actually. I'm not changing my mind either, I don't want him to hurt anymore than I already have hurt him. Everytime I convinced myself that you were okay with me being with Katsuki, something changed and I couldn't just hurt you either. That didn't help anything. So let's just be friends, but I want you to know that I cherish you as someone important to me. I'm not changing my mind on that either, so even if you don't want to be friends, my feelings about how I want to support you and be beside you won't change. I want to make memories with you for as long as I can, and I want to make more amazing memories. So when I told you to wait for me, I didn't mean that, what I meant was I want you to stay beside me and wait for me in the aspect if things didn't work out between Katsuki and I. But I have no intention of leaving him. It's harsh and I'm horrible about trying to say how I feel but it's the truth. Most times I say things I don't really mean because I can't figure out how to say it, and I hate that because I seem so selfish and self centered when it's not really what I'm thinking. So, I'm sorry for being a jerk and hurting you, I never wanted this to happen like it did." You spewed out your words as you bowed your head to him, it didn't really make sense to you either.
He narrowed his eyes at you before turning his head to the side and averting his eyes, "You shouldn't have to feel bad over this, it's common mistake we all make as people. I made the mistake of not holding myself back, it was inconsiderate of me just to act like I did even when I knew how Bakugou felt. He just isn't someone I respect all that much, and quite honestly, I don't think he deserves you,"
He paused as he looked over at you, "however, I respect you a lot, and my decisions ended up becoming your consequence. So I don't resent you in the slightest, and we can both take this as a learning experience." His caring eyes gave you reassurance.
"Hmh," you huffed out a chuckled breath, "Thanks, that was good to hear." You softened your glance with furrowed brows and the attempt at a smile.

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