As heros. A hero

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As I defeated more villains, the less Todoroki was on my mind. The thought of whether we could win crowded it. I knew the chances were slim but I had to try.

I made my way towards the center taking out villains on the way. They were all of lower levels. My plan was to get to Mr. Aizawa and hopefully meet up with the rest of the group. Then I saw the unthinkable...they had Mr. Aizawa pinned down. Adrenaline and pure instinct drove me on my next moves as I released my thread as far as possible to get to the main plaza where they were. I wrapped the threads around the pole and swung to them in a fast motion aiming my thread at the villain with hands all over his face and body. My thread quickly wrapped around his face and arms immobilizing him temporarily as I swung them and released his body into the air. His body smashed hard into a boulder. I didn't understand how as he pealed himself from the cracked stone so easily.
"You've got guts, girl, it's been quite some time since I've endured a hit like that. Impressive concerning that your child. But you are still no match for me." The leader villain began running at me.
I released my thread again this time aiming for his feet to slow him down, but he caught them! How did he see them, they're so thin they are practically invisible?! He pulled me closer and I was defenseless as he grabbed my wrist. A stinging sensation engulfed it, as the skin seemed to be cracking and revealing fresh, pink, tender, skin. I whined but ignored it the best I could and tried getting away.
I was at my weakest point when I had little energy since my thread was created by my energy. Being sleep deprived and hungry makes my energy levels even worse, so I was running out and fast. Producing the thread uses up all of my energy as well, so I was bound to pass out soon. My weaknesses were growing by the minute.
The villain let go to grab my other wrist, and I used this opportunity to strike a cheep blow to his chin. His eyes were covered so the next best spot was the chin as I swung an uppercut and ran. His advantage was close combat, and luckily for me I was a distance fighter. I stopped when I was at a good distance to land any easy effective attack. Then out of nowhere from behind, the spacial quirk villain I had forgotten about had created a portal from under my feet. Next thing I knew I was falling upside down from the glass ceiling. I didn't have enough thread, and couldn't afford to use that much anymore. I needed to save it, but I'd die from the fall if nothing to soften it.
Suddenly I felt hands wrap around me mid fall and immediately knew who it was as explosions rang throughout the air propelling us forward. It wasn't flattering being carried over the shoulder like that but at least he caught me. I couldn't ask for a better time. As we landed, Bakugou completely dropped me and I landed hard on the ground from a short distance. I realized as I opened my eyes we were on top of a building far away.
"Thanks but you didn't have to drop me like..." I began to say but couldn't finish the sentence as my eyes fixated on an expression I had never seen on Bakugou before. It was truly terrifying.
"Hey Yuan you alright?" A familiar voice came from behind me.
"Yeah, Thanks Kirishima." I smiled seeing the optimism, turning my attention to where we had just been and seeing a strange creature holding Midoriya.
"We have to get over there no..." I stopped as a large banging explosion and dust grabbed my attention. It was near the entrance.
"Have no fear for I am here!" A booming voice rang throughout the USJ.
"AllMight! Yeah, were saved now!" Kirishima said laying an elbow on Bakugou.
I glanced at Bakugou through the corner of my eye. His expression had changed into a more eased expression. He looked back at me, the eye contact lasted for a few seconds, then he broke it.
"Let's go." He said using the blasts to slow his fall.
Kirishima activated his quirk jumping at least a hundred feet. And I can't use my thread right now so....
"Bakugou I can't get down!" I yelled for him.
"What, use your damn quirk idiot!" He growled.
"I can't right now!" I said with a angry tone.
I could practically hear the 'tch' from his mouth as he blasted his way up again.
When he reached me, he told me to hold onto him so he could use his hands. As I wrapped my arms around his neck and waist I could feel the boldness of his muscle. He blasted down again and I let go.
"Why can't you use your quirk?" He asked in a serious tone.
"I'm low on energy, and my thread is created by it. I need to save it up and rest." I said with a growing frown.
"Ok then, you can hop on my back on the way there." Kirishima said happily.
"Nah I'm fine." I said because I didn't want to cause him trouble.
"Just let him." Bakugou said with a serious but saddening expression.
"Yeah you need energy so let me help." Kirishima said bending down for me to get on his back.
I reluctantly did so and we began our way towards the fight and gathered students.

As we got closer I realized AllMight was fighting the strange create that had Aizawa pinned. Aizawa wasn't there either so where was he?
"Guys we can't go this way. We are gonna get in AllMight's way." I told them.
"Yeah she's right let's go around. Bakugou?" Kirishima backed me up.
"I hear ya, that was my plan." He said annoyed as always.

"Look it's Midoriya and Asui! And Mineta." I said pointing to our left.
"Perfect we're going to the same place let's go meet up." Kirishima said.
"You can let me down now. Thanks." I tapped on his shoulder and he let me off.
"No." Bakugou said grudgingly.
"Suit yourself because I think they are carrying someone injured. I'm going to help them." I said running towards them.
"Wait up Yuan, that looks like Mr. Aizawa!" Kirishima yelled and I realized he was right.
"C'mon Bakugou I know something went down between you and Midoriya but you need to put your feelings aside for once and do the right thing here!" I yelled trying to convince him.
"Shut up you don't know anything!" Bakugou retaliated.
"Bakugou she's right, c'mon." Kirishima said following me, and something had convinced Bakugou to come with us. He made it clear he wasn't happy though.
"Midoriya!" I yelled getting his attention and regrouping with some of our class.
"That's Mr. Aizawa right? Is he okay?!" I asked as we made our way to the entrance.
"He is in critical condition, but I'm glad you guys are okay." He answered then looked at Bakugou and frowned.
"Let us carry him so you can have a break." Kirishima said.
"Thanks we're getting really tired." Asui said putting Mr. Aizawa's feet down.
"Tch, just let me carry him." Bakugou shoved through us and picked Mr. Aizawa up in his arms.
Bakugou was the strongest out of us so he had no trouble as we got to the other students.
Thirteen was also injured badly, and all we could do was watch the battle. Not everyone from class 1A had returned, but more students were turning up. AllMight didn't seem to be doing great. We were at a big disadvantage.

The next thing that happened scarred us all. Once the dust had cleared AllMight's condition was made clear. He was loosing, and about to die.

Bakugou and Midoriya ran off simultaneously towards them.
As Midoriya got close a portal had opened.
"Get out of my way Deku!" Bakugou came in at the perfect time and the portal had closed as Todoroki suddenly appeared freezing it.
"They need our help let's go!" I yelled going forward to get anyone to come with me. I sighed and sprinted towards after the villains alongside Kirishima.
Bakugou had pinned the portal villain down, and Todoroki immobilized the Nomu creature temporarily, but it freed itself and regenerated.
Suddenly in a speed I'd never seen things were happening in slow motion. I quickly activated my quirk around the Nomu to slow it down as the creature hurled itself towards Bakugou. I couldn't tell if my thread had reached it in time. And as I blinked I felt a large tug that sent me flying into the ground. That only meant one thing, my thread had reached it. But I wasn't strong enough to hold my ground for it to stop the Nomu.
My eyes fluttered open, and I only saw the Nomu fighting my thread, but rubble and dust was in front of him. Where was Bakugou?
"Kachaan!" "Bakugou!" Midoriya and I exclaimed simultaneously.
"I'm right here." He growled.
"That's awesome you dodged him!" Midoriya said happily.
"Shut up no I didn't you damn nerd." Bakugou snarked in a confused tone.
As we realized what had happened we looked in the direction of the Nomu's target.
Through the clearing dust AllMight made his appearance.
"Ughh! Urrrr!" I groaned as my heart felt like it was tearing to shreads beating loudly. I fell to my knees clutching my chest.
"Yuan!" Midoriya and Kirishima went to my side. Water formed at the sides of my eyes, completing the angry expression on my face.
This hadn't happened before. I was sure it was impossible. My invincible thread had torn at the Nomu's hands. What was happening to me?
"Arghhh!" I yelled even louder as the tears came down. My heart was pounding faster and harder in pain.
"You bastard!" I screamed holding the pain back. I ran at the Nomu as hard as I could grabbing its attention quickly. The perfect opportunity was played in place as my glance had reached AllMight's.
"Go!!" I yelled and AllMight had thrown his hardest blow sending the Nomu back several yards. I had created the perfect diversion, but the adrenaline and numbness was fading as I could feel my heart begin to throb again. I collapsed but my eyes stayed open. I could see AllMight overpower the Nomu with more than 100 percent. More power than I had ever seen him use. Then my eyes fluttered shut and sound faded. The sense I had was the pain in my heart and wrist and the feel of the rough ground I laid on. But hands scooped me up, and I didn't have the energy to open my eyes.

The rest of the class was unharmed besides for Midoriya and I. After I had woken up in the nurses office, I found out Midoriya and AllMight had been released earlier. I was okay enough to go to school that day and Mr. Aizawa was still teaching us surprisingly. He told us that the sports festival was coming up. He told us this was an opportunity to improve and get scouted by hero agencies. Which meant lots of training.

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