Who we are

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I woke up that morning with bags underneath my eyes after going to bed so late.
"Crap today's a school day!" I panicked out loud while rushing to get my uniform on,jumping around pulling my sock up.
Then brushed my teeth, styled my hair, and was off sprinting down the road not far from school.
"I'm almost late!" I said between breaths.

Short time skip

*made it just in time. One minute before Mr.Aizawa got here* I sighed out loud.

"Alright today we're getting our costumes. You should have submitted your designs. And after that you'll be with AllMight for quirk battles. But that will be after lunch. You will continue with the core classes before then. Now get going."

Time skip to lunch

"Ughhh I'm sooooo not having it today I just wanna go home." I said banging my head slowly on the table sitting with the others.
"I feel that." Jiro said with her arms behind her head.
"Really I'm having so much fun today I'm so excited!" Mina practically dances in her seat.

(Lunch bell rings)
*Finally the fun part of the day* I thought to myself while throwing away my trash and heading to the classroom.

- - - moments later

"I am here, walking through the door like a normal person." AllMight came through and practically everyone was going crazy.

Soon after compartments came out of the wall containing our costumes. We all changed in the locker rooms and went to the training ground.

My costume was a tight maroon body suit. The knuckles were cut out so I could release my thread from the fingertips easily. Every material was light leaving room for me to move freely. A headband was added that folded down into eye protection lens that covered a good bit of my face, kinda like Ururaka's.
Soon after everyone arrived in their costume AllMight explained how everyone would be paired up and either role played as villain or hero. The objective was for the hero to find and disarm the fake bomb the villains were protecting.
I listened for my name as AllMight listed pairings.
"Yuan and Todoroki as hero's." AllMight called
I looked over at Todoroki with an excited face as he met mine with yet again a blank expression. I couldn't help but look discouraged by this.
AllMight continued to call names until everyone was given a partner and role.  We were the third group to go, and were up against Hagakure and Ojiro. But for now, we would wait and watch the first two teams.
Bakugou and Lida were villains, and the fight was just starting as the spectators viewed Bakugou descend the floors for a predictable surprise attempt. As he neared the corner he sent blasts down the hall at Midoriya's back. From the corner of the camera Ururaka was seen moving up trying to locate Iida and the fake bomb. I looked away for a split second as everyone seemed amazed at what Midoriya had just done. But when I looked back up Midoriya was smashed into the wall but the alarm had gone off meaning Ururaka must have found the bomb and won. Everyone was stunned watching AllMight carry him out to the nurse. Bakugou,Iida, and Ururaka came walking in soon after.
"Hey Bakugou what the heck that wasn't cool!" I walked up to him glaring.
"Get lost!" He growled defending himself.
"That was unnecessary regardless the circumstances. You put too much emotion into it, though you played the perfect villain." Momo explained.
"Man your so powerful it's scary." Kaminari ruffled his own hair.
"You need to control yourself." I gave him a disappointed look.
"Lay off thief." He snarked and glared at the wall looking away.
"For the last time you gave the bracelet to me after I offered it back." I snapped.
"You two couldn't sound any more like an old married couple." Kaminari blurted, "I'm jealous of you Bakugou." Kaminari smirked at me leaving me uncomfortable.
"Shut up dumb ass." Bakugou griped death staring him.
"Yuan, we are up next. We should head to the start." Todoroki tapped my shoulder.
I was so busy being mad I didn't realize that AllMight had returned and the second group was already done.
"Yeah." I said following him.

Bakugou x reader x Todoroki: The Best for HerWhere stories live. Discover now