Isn't born with great power, they

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The two weeks we had to train went by quickly, and before I knew it, it was the day of the sports festival.
TM: sports festival
As they called our class, we walked in a row into the center of the stadium. My heart pounded to the sound of my footsteps, looking at all of the people staring back down on me. But overall I was super excited to kick ass. Suddenly Midnight called Bakugou to speak for our class.
"And here is Katsuki Bakugou!" Midnight cheered.
A silence overcame the crowd.
"I just wanna say, I'm gonna win." He said calmly as everyone stood jaw dropped
"Such audacity..." I heard insults from other classes.
"Jerk!" Someone else said.
As Bakugou walked back, we were dismissed into the break rooms.
"Bakugou your insane why would you say that?!" I exclaimed.
"Now everyone hates us for sure!" Kirishima added.
That ruckus soon ended as Todoroki marched right up to Midoriya as declared war to win. Everyone went quiet.
"Hey you can't just say that, we're class mates remember!" Kirishima tried defending.
"That doesn't matter currently, we aren't a team, remember." Todoroki gave him a look and tried walking off.
"Hey, I get it, this is important to you, but don't be a jerk about it." I said, grabbing his sleeve.
"that goes for you too." He said calmly, almost making it worse than it already was.
"Okay, bring it on. Just don't prove to be all talk." I let go of him as he pulled away.

Some time later they called us to the stadium again. They randomly picked that we would do the obstacle course, and everyone lined up at the entrance.
"Good luck." Were the last words said to us before the alarm.
The first obstacle was obviously getting out of the clumped students to get out, so I released my thread into the air through the other side of the tunnel, wrapped it around a pole, and swung through over people. Several others had tactics like I did, but I had only made it out in time before my feet would have been frozen by Todoroki. And as soon as I had escaped from that, gigantic Robots appeared.
Todoroki pulled ahead of everyone, and froze the robots temporarily leaving them to the rest of us. My eyes caught a glimpse of him skating past on his own ice and proceeding.
I became frustrated, and wrapped my thread around one of the robots heads and crumpled it. Dust flew as it fell, and I used it as a cover to get through. I was currently in third.
I smirked as I approached the third difficulty.
"Easy work." I said allowed.
The canyon was my element so I wasn't far behind Bakugou who was in second. By grabbing the ropes I was able to swing across easily and advanced to the last obstacle. I saw Todoroki marking his steps carefully throughout the land mine obstacles as Bakugou blasted through the air.
The three of us were neck and neck as I had pulled ahead to Todoroki and Bakugou.
Suddenly a shadow flew over me and I looked up to see Midoriya riding a slab of metal in the air from the explosions. We all tried are hardest at that point to reach him and as soon as we did he used us to his advantage again. As he slammed the metal down the explosives caught us and catapulted him forward. Nothing could have prepared me for that surprise. Midoriya came in first, Todoroki second, Bakugou third, I was fourth, and a girl from class B got fifth.
As soon as everyone finished Midnight got straight to randomly selecting the next event. Calvary battle, and everyone would be aiming for the first place winner, Midoriya, for the 10 million points.

Multiple people had asked me to join their team, but they weren't the ones I was looking for. I would wait, because right then I had to show the pro hero's what I was capable of. Taking risks could grab the pros attention, and could help me get scouted.
"Hey can I join your team?" I asked the guy in front of me."
"Sure, that makes a full group." He answered
"Sweet, how about we kick some ass?" I exclaimed.
He smiled in return, "Yeah."
I looked at the others in the group. Not bad at all, I could work with this well.
The buzzer blew at the end of the countdown and teams immediately surrounded us. Uraraka and I were the bottom defending supporters and Tokoyami was the front defender while Midoriya played offensively.
As I realized a quirk was causing us to sink into the ground, I immediately took action.
"Leave this to me." I told them to hang on as I let one hand loose and pulled us out, also sending us flying in the air. Tokoyami protected us then with his dark shadow. We hit ground and I was able to produce enough thread to make a ball of my silk around us. Power quirks rendered defenseless around this.
"Good work Yuan!" Uraraka and Midoriya both shouted as Bakugou was the one trying to break through.
"Thanks, I have an idea to steal other teams' point bands too. As long as there is a distraction, my thread is practically invisible, it's easy to steal bands with that ability." I told them.
"Yes, I can serve as a decoy."Tokoyami said referring to his dark shadow.
"Alright I'm going to retract my thread though so be ready. Ururaka would you touch our shoes really quick?" I asked and she did so.
We began to flout as the thread was still surrounding us, and I let go about 30 feet off the ground.
"Good plan Yuan." Midoriya said and I could tell Ururaka was offended.
Suddenly a loud noise got closer to us, and I saw Bakugou blasting towards us.
Tokoyami and I acted quickly to get him away, and Sero brought him back down with his tape.
Then Bakugou stopped coming after us, and we had a bigger issue. Todoroki.
"I'll be taking that now." Todoroki said calmly with intense eyes.
We prepared as many other teams charged at once, but soon the entire playing field was frozen by Todoroki. We managed to avoid it barely but we were cornered by Todoroki's team and couldn't get out.
I saw them talking, and I was too late to say anything before Todoroki moved. I could only release my thread and grab Todoroki's headbands before in the blink of an eye, my own team's was gone. And in the hands of Todoroki was our million points.
Everyone was silent from the shock, unable to process the power Lida had shown to move that quick.
"How?" Midoriya questioned.
"This sucks, but I got the other three headbands Todoroki had, so we aren't doomed." I said handing them to Midoriya.
"Let's get that headband back." Ururaka exclaimed with determination.
As we charged them Midoriya was able to grab one headband. The top one, which should have been the million one, but we were tricked.
The clock ran out. I wasn't satisfied with fifth place, 562 points wasn't enough to win.
"Damn it." I whispered to myself.
While I stood there, I glanced at Todoroki. His fists were clutched, and an aggressive face was plastered. What was wrong? He got first place after all.
We had an hour to rest up before the finals. One on one battle royals were next.
I saw Todoroki and Midoriya walk over into the other exit where nobody was. My feet moved on their own down the hall on the other side so they wouldn't see me ease-dropping. I could see a body figure there as I neared the corner. 
"Bakugou?!" I exclaimed in a whisper
He quickly turned around and gave me a famous look. I swear I couldn't see his pupils. He covered my mouth before I could speak and pinned me against the wall so I couldn't make noise. We listened for their voices.
"I was under pressure, and broke the promise I made to myself because of you. None of them felt it, the power coming from you, only I did."
Bakugou and I gave each other a confused look.
"Your power, it felt like AllMight's. Tell me,....
Are you really AllMight's secret love child or something?"
I covered Bakugou's hand over my mouth with mine as I almost started dying laughing. Bakugou gave me a death stare and I shut up right away.
"Well are you?" We listened closer as they began again.
"No! Why would you think that?" Midoriya defended himself.
"It's obvious he watches you, and it seems as if there is something between the two of you in which you aren't supposed to talk about." Todoroki answered.
"That doesn't mean anything..." Midoriya sounded suspicious.
"Your connections to AllMight only give me a bigger reason to defeat you. My father is Endeavor, AllMight's rival, but my father has never been able to best AllMight. That's why I'm here. Have you ever heard of a quirk marriage? It's when two people with strong quirks have a kid for the purpose of a strong child."
I looked over at Bakugou.
"Hey let's get out of here this is getting personal." I whispered.
He ignored me, so I just gripped his hand and dragged him away as he scowled. He would risk making noise if he refused so he didn't have a chance. When we got to the end of the hall Bakugou released his anger.
"What the hell Yuan you damn idiot!" He yelled.
"Oh shut it, that wasn't our business." My arms remained crossed as I spoke.
"Then why were you there in the first place?!You were there to ease drop too!" He was only becoming angrier.
My mouth opened as I planned to say something but nothing came out.
"Tch." He also crossed his arms and squinted his eyes looking away.
"Heh, you can't even stay mad at me." I smirked.
"Damn brat shut it!" He growled but I was already walking away.
"Don't ignore me ahhh!" He started charging me.
"If you keep spending so much time talking to me, or shall I say yelling, people will get the wrong idea and think we are a couple." I said to shut him up and it did exactly that, and I even managed to get a bit of a fluster.
"That will never happen dumbass!" He finally said.
"Whatever, lets get ready for finals so come on." I said as I made my way to the break rooms to get a snack.

According to the random line up I was against a girl from class B first. I was the first match as well, so it wasn't ideal but I couldn't change it anyway.
As time flew by, I eventually found myself in the area. On the opposite end was my opponent. She had a similar quirk, but used her hair which were vines. When the timer started, we both were immediately off. This time I layered my thread to take the form of a thick sharp tool so I could cut through her vines. since our quirks were so similar it could be hard to find a way to defeat each other, even though I had the advantage of a stronger material to use. Time flew by of useless fighting, and I still couldn't pin point her weakness until I realized she could easily predict my movement based on my posture. I leaned my body to the left and with my left released thread to distract her. While with my right I had also released thread through the ground, and it was heading towards her feet. As my thread emerged from the ground behind her, I wrapped it around her feet and threw her out of bounds, taking the win. And next up, I was sure I would have to be dealing with Bakugou.

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