Something more Important

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"I love you, damn nerd." A quiet soft voice was whispered to your half asleep figure, still laying atop the boys chest. His arms tightened around you slightly.
You nuzzled you're face into his neck.
His body jumped slightly, conveying that he assumed you were asleep when he spoke.
"Tch, you should have told me you were awake dumbass." He complained.
You groaned as you moved your arm onto his chest, relaxing further into him.
Though you couldn't see his face, he was adopting a smile as he moved his hand through your hair, providing you comfort.
"Hmph, morning idiot." He spoke again with a smile.
"Ermm, it's morning already?" You complained with a tired noise that vibrated within your throat. 
Suddenly the boy moved, causing you to open your eyes as you felt yourself being tipped over.
Your back hit the soft cushioned blankets as you looked up at the ash blonde looking down at you.
You frowned and complained, squinting your eyes from the change of light.
"Mmm noooo." You mumbled as you reached up to grab the boy.
He narrowed his eyes at you as he grabbed your hand that was reaching for him.
You widened your eyes as he gripped your hand.
"Just go back to sleep." He ordered.
You furrowed your brows at him before you spoke, "don't get up then."
You watched him sigh out as he looked at you with a pitiful look.
"Go back to bed, it's alright." He told you while still looking down at you.
Puffing our your cheeks, you relaxed and lowered your hand from his grip.
Automatically he started to move off the bed, now standing up and beginning to walk away.
The door shut, leaving you alone in the room.

Your brows furrowed as you turned in the sheets onto your stomach, gripping the black comforter as you frowned and closed your eyes.
Thoughts of last night crept into your mind, you had become so much closer than before and only within a short time span. Your heart beat pounded slowly.
There was no way you would be able to fall asleep again while your mind was going crazy.

You lifted your head, looking at the bed side table where the alarm clock showed the time of 9:04 A.M.
(Today is the class trip to the amusement park.) you recalled.

After laying there for what seemed like a while, you checked the clock again, reading 9:27.
"Woah" you said aloud.

Groaning as you rose yourself from the bed, you opened the door and began downstairs.
Your hair was a mess and Bakugou's shirt fit loosely on you, sliding off your shoulder.

The immediate smell of crisp bacon greeted your nose as you entered the kitchen.
Of course, you should have predicted the ash blonde was cooking.
Looking over at the counter, two toasted bagels sat on either of two plates, evenly spread, three pieces of bacon lay beside the bagels.
The ash blonde immediately met your glance, turning to face you and about to speak, you walked over to him with a pout.
Before he could mutter the words, you latched onto him, bringing your arms around his lower back and placing your head against his chest.
Bakugou stood surprised with parted lips as he brought his arms around you as well.
You snuggled into him forcibly, much like a needy kid.
The ash blonde's eyebrows furrowed as he also placed a hand atop your head.
"Hey, dumbass...." He began.
You hummed with scratchiness in your throat, implying him not to say anything as you squeezed tighter.
Then an unexpected sound escaped the boys lips.
A simple laugh, genuine.
You immediately looked up at him with a strange expression.
He was smiling, and laughing before looking back down at you, "never seen you act like such a child before, what a joke."
"Whatever, It's your fault for getting up and leaving me there." You frowned.
He smiled down at you and spoke roughly, "Tch, that's how you thank me for cooking for you?"
"Shut up Katsuki, this is more than enough reimbursement." You looked away with fluster.
"Now your acting like me idiot." He said and began to loosen his grip as you only held him tighter.
"Stop it dumbass, let go already." He sounded serious.
You didn't.
"Or else...I'm gonna," He cut his sentence right as he placed a hand through your hair, "get embarrassed." His voice was softer this time.
A few seconds went by as you just stayed in his arms.
"Thanks, for letting me do this." You whispered.
"Tch, it's never a problem." He whispered back.
"Plus, your the one who started hugging me randomly first. It's only payback." You smirked.
"Yeah dumbass, I know that is kinda clingy or whatever, but I don't give a damn. It's just, that I could never get too much of this. I don't have bad dreams anymore, because I dream about you. I'm not scared or worried, and sometimes acting tuff is just way to overwhelming. I love holding you." He spoke, sounding insecure just in the slightest. Bakugou really was being himself.
"I feel the same way." You answered, beginning to let go.
"And by the way, we are gonna be going to the amusement park this afternoon, and I guess I have a few favors to ask if we are gonna get there on time..."
You began but he interrupted you.
"I already put your clothes in the wash, and you can just shower here." He answered your questions without you even having to ask.
"Oh...okay, I was gonna suggest I just go back to my house but that's way more convenient." You smiled at him, tilting your head slightly while placing a hand on the back of your neck.

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