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Warning: if you haven't watched season four yet, spoilers!

Your eyes fluttered open slowly. You felt weak and it was difficult to raise your body from your bed.
It was around the same time you had woken the previous night, probably because you had gone to bed so early. As you tried to remember, you realized you were unable to recall events of last night.
(I guess I was so feverish I was completely checked out) you thought as you did remember developing a cold from the rain.
The air was getting colder as fall rolled around the corner.
Your legs shook slightly as you stood up and opened the door of your room.
You yawned as you pressed the first floor button of the elevator.
The doors opened and your attention turned immediately to the four students standing in the living room. Their mouths were left open, a worried expression formed on their faces.
Asui, Ururaka, Kirishima, and Midoriya. (What are they doing) you wondered as you walked out towards them.
"Hey...guys." You greeted them.
"Yuan! Are you feeling better?" Midoriya asked in a suspicious high pitched voice. The one he used when uncomfortable or hiding something.
"Yeah." You said with a straight face.
"Funny thing, we all woke up at the same time." Ururaka laughed nervously.
"Yeah, I had a hard time sleeping after yesterday." Kirishima rubbed his neck.
"What are you all doing?" You looked at them with confusion.
"What do you mean? We aren't doing anything." Ururaka tilted her head.
"C'mon I'm smarter than that. Midoriya, your up to something aren't you?" You targeted the worst liar.
"N..n...not really?" He even questioned himself.
"Look I won't tell anyone, all I need to know is that you aren't doing anything dangerous without an adult knowing." You looked at them seriously.
Midoriya stopped looking so nerve racked.
"We all have our hero licenses. We can take care of ourselves, this is between us and our hero work studies." Sui chimed in.
"I understand, but whatever it is, save them and come back safely. I won't say anything to anyone, since it's a secret for now." You reassured them.
"Thanks, we will." Midoriya nodded, and on that note they all left. Leaving you wondering, worrying, and most of all scared. You knew just from the look in their eyes that they were doing something dangerous.
Suddenly your phone vibrated in your hand causing you to look at it.
Notifications: whatsapp 2 messages
(It must be Ahsahi in America) you thought, eager to read.

As you plumped your body onto the couch you opened your message.
Ahsahi- hey, your probably sleeping but I wanted to check in. It's around the 9pm here in America, and it's Memorial Day weekend. It's a big deal especially at my military school, so we are having a huge fireworks festival right now. It's absolutely amazing, I just wish you were here to see it with me.
Honestly I got kinda worried since you didn't text me after opening the time capsule, but I guess you haven't opened it yet? Anyway check this out.

Then it hit you, you forgot about the capsule completely

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Then it hit you, you forgot about the capsule completely.
(Ah Ahsahi, I'm so sorry) you frowned.
You began typing.

That picture is amazing, and sorry I still haven't opened it. I got carried away with school ordeals and never got around to it, but yeah I'll text you when I do. -you
Read.  4:37 am.

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