The present

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Ever since I was a child I've always wanted to go to UA high school. That reason was for my mother. She died when I was young and was killed by a villain called All for one. I want to become strong for her, my dad, my little brother and myself. My dad was a strong hero who fought aside my mom. He was known as Iron Hands. My dad watched my mother die, and he gave up all hope after that, and was almost completely forgotten after retiring.
"I can't do it anymore. She died and I couldn't stop it. I let everyone down so I can't continue. I can't beat All for One." That was the first thing he said to me when I came home from last day of 5th grade. I didn't know what he meant because I didn't understand who she was. The real reason was because I didn't want to believe my mother was gone.
Her death had the opposite effect on my dad and I. He gave up all hope and it made me want to defeat All for one. I wanted to be the one to defeat him. And that's why I needed to go to UA.

              Even though my dad was retired as a hero he could still give a recommendation. For some reason he didn't want me to go to the entrance exams so he just sent in a recommendation. So of course I got in after the recommendation exam, and today is the first day.

             As I walked into the gigantic school, I felt a bit pressured. So many students, would I be able to be the best? Probably not, but I need to try.
"Hey sorry to bother you but do you know where class 1-A is?" I asked a student with red and white hair.
He pointed down the hall and opened his mouth like he was about to say something when I was pushed suddenly from behind out of the way. My eyes widened as the body moved past me down the hall.
"Hey watch where your going." The guy standing next to me said calmly.
The explosive mess jolted his head towards us and was about to say something.
"Let go damn extra." He snarked and then looked at me. His mouth opened slightly for a few seconds, then jerked his head before he continued walking.
"Hey are you all right..." he looked down at my devastated face. The guy asked
"I fine thanks." I smiled a fake smile, "I'm Yuan L/n but you can call me Yuan." I put out my hand.
"Todoroki." He shook my hand emotionlessly. "
" It's this way." Todoroki said and began walking down the hall where Bakugou had gone.
I slid the door open revealing the class, and my eyes focused on the boy sitting next to the front window. Bakugou.
I walked in and sat in the back closest to the door. Todoroki sat on my left.
(So we are in the same class) I thought.
I put my head down, my arms covering my expression.

I looked up at the students in the doorway. I glanced past the door and a person was laying in a yellow sack.
"If your here to make friends you can pack up now." The person said and everyone looked down at the floor and paused all movements.
"Hello I'm Shota Aizawa,your teacher." He said with a tired blank expression. "Right let's get to it put these on and head outside." He pulled out training suits from his sleeping bag.

I changed and put my h/c hair into a ponytail, then walked out with the other girls.
"Hey I'm Mina!" This girl scared the crap out of me from behind.
"Yo, I'm Yuan." I gave a smile and short wave after bringing my heartbeat down.
"I'm so excited, but I wonder why we are missing orientation." A girl I think namedUruraka came up next to Mina and I.
"Yeah its a bit strange, but I'd rather train anyway, and that's probably what we are doing in these outfits." I said pulling the fabric on my waist.
"Yeah your probably right."Ururaka said rubbing the back of her neck.
Pretty soon everyone was together in the training grounds.
"Good everyone is here. Here at UA we're not tethered to traditions. That means I can run this class however I see fit. That should answer everyone's questions for today. You all have been taking standardized testing all your lives but have never gotten to use your quirks in physical exams before. The country is still trying to pretend we're all created equal by not letting those with the most power excel. Bakugou you managed to get the most points during the exam. What was your farthest distance throw with the softball pitch in junior high?" Aizawa asked
"67 meters, I think." He answered, hands in pockets.
"Right now try using your quirk, and stay inside the circle."

Bakugou got in position and released the ball with massive explosive blasts leaving everyone's jaws dropped.
"All of you need to find out your capabilities. This is the most rational way of figuring out your power as a hero." Aizawa said showing us the device that read 705.2 meters.
"705.2 meters are you kidding me?" A classmate with yellow hair with a black lightning bolt said.
" that looks like fun I want to go!" Mina standing next to me exclaimed.
I smirked, "game on."
"You think it's all gonna be games and fun?" He smirked as well, " idiots today your competing in eight physical exams and whoever comes in last is expelled. So go beyond plus ultra style, and prove to me you belong here." Aizawa finished his speech.

50 meter dash:
I was against Kaminari.
My quirk is indestructible silk. I'm able to produce an indestructible thread from my ten fingertips. It's very thin and hard to see if you are not Looking closely. It's not sticky either, I realized it was also very similar to my classmates Sero who uses tape. I can't pull my thread back into my fingertips, I constantly have to make more. The thread also begins to break down after a certain amount of time.

I released the thread and implanted it in the ground at the end of the 50 meters. When the voice said go I pulled it, springing me forward to the end in 3.9 seconds beating Kaminari.
"What how did you do that you just flew without touching the ground?!?"Kaminari stood shocked.
I released thread once more to show him.

Next Grip strength:
My quirk wouldn't be very useful in this test but I had an idea of what to do. I wrapped my threads around my hand and tightened them together while gripping the metal.
My results were 79.3 kilograms. That's not too bad.

Standing long jump:
This would be easy I could just do the same thing as the dash.

And the tests continued until finally the softball pitch. What I've been waiting for. I waited to be called and finally was after Momo.
I stood inside the circle all eyes on me, and got in position. This would be how ever long I could release my thread. The strings wrapped around the ball, and I swung it around in a circle in a forward motion. I had to time when I let go just perfectly or it would swing into the ground.
I focused and when it got to it's fastest spin I released it. Instead of going up it just flew perfectly strait. Not what I was hoping for because that would decrease distance, but at least it didn't go strait down. I saw it land, and I looked behind me to Mr. Aizawa.
"978" he read allowed
"Yeah!" I congratulated myself.
Many people were surprised. But I looked at Todoroki, the most emotionless guy I'd ever met, and his eyebrows raised and eyes wide. I smiled genuinely to myself. That's means I must have done well. I walked back over to the girls.
"That was amazing Yuan" Mina jumped up and down with her hands together.
"Thanks, I've been practicing a lot, that was one of the things I practiced actually. I've got zero raw talent but practicing did everything..." I went on, not even realizing that I was speaking allowed. I was just proud of myself.
"Heh, sorry." I rubbed the back of my head.
"Nah you did great." I felt a hard slap on my back
"Ow Ururaka." I chuckled
"I mean you got infinity, thats impressive." I told her and she blushed out of embarrassment.

Eventually the last person was up, Midoriya. He was really nice, and Ururaka seemed to like him so he seemed cool. I felt bad though because he had come last in every test, so I tried to give him positive support.
"Go Midoriya!" I shouted with Ururaka
He looked even more nervous after that. He then threw his arm back and released forward. After, the ball had landed not too far away from him. Everyone but Bakugou was sad for him. Bakugou actually smiled, what a jerk, I can't believe we used to be friends.
"Why is it you don't push yourself and use your quirk?!" Aizawa went off, "if you want to be a hero you need a quirk, now go again and use your it this time!"
Midoriya's expression screamed dissatisfaction and disappointment, but he took the ball and this time he did something different. But I couldn't figure it out as the ball blasted leaving me and everyone else jaw dropped. 705.3 meters, unbelievable.
"Good job Midoriya." I smiled at his happy expression, "that was great."
I saw Bakugou out of the corner of my eye charge at Midoriya. Aizawa quickly wrapped him in his nullifying bandages stopping Bakugou from hurting Midoriya. Bakugou had met Midoriya after I had left his school, but I could definitely figure out they had bad blood.

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