The absolute best, Although *important chapter*

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The previous day, I had fallen asleep in the classroom, and had woken up to a smiling Todoroki.
"Ughhhh why did you have to wake me up." I complained as I leaned back into the chair.
"Lunch is almost over. I didn't think you'd want people walking in and seeing you like that." He tilted his head.
"Thanks I guess." I scratched my cheek as a light pink touched them. Mostly out of embarrassment.
"I was worried about you when I heard that you passed out. You should be more careful." His expression went more blank after he spoke.
"It's not like I planned to faint." I crossed my arms.
"It's unhealthy to push yourself like this though." He scolded me.
"But I wasn't pushing myself. It was just a random faint. I don't even really understand what happened myself."I squinted my eyes.
Todoroki made a confused face as he crossed his arms in deep thought, "Mind describing it further?" He looked up from the floor.
"Sure," I nodded "This weird image of blood stained concrete popped up in my head. After the image went away I couldn't open my eyes or speak but I could feel and hear. It made my head throb but I passed out after I heard Uraraka yell my name."
Todoroki's eyes widened a bit.
"What? Why are making that weird face?" I supported my chin with my arm that stood on the desk.
He closed his eyes immediately, "It's nothing."
"Are you sure abou.." I tried to ask because I still wasn't convinced before he cut me off.
"I'm going to prepare for my next class." He turned around and walked away. It's obvious he's not telling me something.

TS: homeroom class right before dismissal
"As you know, final exams will take place next week. Don't forget about the physical test, the written exam is only a portion. Whoever fails will not be allowed to go on the class trip." Mr. Aizawa explained before he let us go.
I could hear the worried chatter throughout the classroom as I picked up my bag.

Narrator POV:
Yuan wasn't planning on telling her family what had happened. In fact, she was trying to keep it off her mind.
Quite the opposite of another individual.
Todoroki, indeed, could not get it off his mind.

He walked home, seeing the blue sky turn orange.
He opened the gate outside his house and left his shoes by the door. Following his usual routine, he went to the second level of the particularly large traditional home. Instead he skipped his own room and made way to his sister's.
"Sis are you home?" Todoroki asked as he knocked on the door. A hint of frustration in his voice.
"Oh hey Shoto!" She opened the door immediately, reaching her hand out to ruffle his hair. Todoroki denied her hand.
"Do you know if I can still visit mom today?" He asked with a serious tone and expression.
"Is something wrong?" Fuyumi asked
"Just answer me." He narrowed his eyes.
Fuyumi sweat dropped and gave a sheepish response, "Uh yeah, visiter times are open."
"Okay." He responded and turned around to leave.
"Hey, why are you going so late?" Fuyumi clenched her fists close to her chest.
"I need to ask her something." Todoroki began down the steps.
She couldn't help feeling worried.

As Todoroki slipped his shoes back on, a loud voice entered the room.
"Shoto, where are you going? You have studying to do." Endeavor gave his son a nasty look.
"I'm going out." Todoroki returned the expression.
His focus diverted from his father to his sister who was walking down the steps.
"Fuyumi, where is he going? Tell me now." Endeavor faced her.
Her arms dropped to her side as she looked into Todoroki's eyes, and then her fathers. Worry covered her face.
"Uh...I...I don't..." she stuttered, knowing she wasn't a very good liar.
"Don't lie Fuyumi!" Endeavor's patience ran out.
"'s going to visit mother." The pressured girl broke.
Todoroki's and his fathers expression mimicked each other. Anger towards another.
"I'm sorry Todoroki! I couldn't help it!" Fuyumi cried out but Todoroki avoided her eyes.
"Shoto! How dare you disrespect my orders! That creature is a burden!" Flames grew from Endeavors body.
"That creature? She's my mother!" Todoroki clenched his fists.
"You brat! You will not leave this residence!" The flaming father tilted his head up while keeping eye contact with his son.
"No! I have to see her now! My friends health depends on it!" Todoroki took a step forward.
"Why do you waste your time on useless ideas like that?!You must only think of your job, and that is succeeding me! Besides, your friends will only stab you in the back when they see how powerful you become!" Endeavors deep angry glare transformed into a twisted smile.
"Your wrong," Todoroki's glance turned to the floor, "Ive changed. My friends have saved me. It's my turn to help them now. So please! Let me help her!" He starred into his fathers contradictory eyes.
Endeavor's face went blank.
"You will go study, and then you will prepare with me in the training chamber. Know your place, boy." A fair amount of time passed before Endeavor could find the right words.
"Your no hero." Todoroki whispered to himself after his father had walked away. If he left then, he would never be allowed to see his mother again. He was sure of that. So Todoroki had to wait, and longer than than he wanted to.

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