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"Todoroki wasn't acting like himself at all today. I feel bad for being so harsh too. I was just so mad." Yuan sighed loudly as she stuffed her favorite snack into her face. Ahsahi sat next to her on her bed, both were cris crossed.
"I can see you have gotten over the sadness pretty quickly." Ahsahi chuckled as he looked at her stuffed cheeks.
"Shut up. All I needed was food. I never cried or anything." Yuan responded quickly.
"Have you already forgotten? You were crying your eyes out into my chest." Ahsahi smirked.
Pink blushed Yuan's cheeks as she swallowed, "I don't remember that."
"Oh my bad I forgot your lost your memory. Pun intended." His expression didn't change.
"You're such a dork." Yuan gave him a face of disappointment.
"You love this dork." Ahsahi stuck his tongue out and winked.
"Whatever, I need you to come with me tomorrow. Recovery Girl is taking me somewhere." Yuan remembered.
"Okay." He smirked.
"Why do you sound so creepy?" The girl cringed.
"I'm not creepy." He began whining.
Yuan laughed.
"What?" Ahsahi asked with a cute frown.
"It's nothing." She smiled.

TS: the next afternoon

Yuan sat in the passengers seat next to Recovery Girl who was driving the car. Ahsahi was sitting in the back.
"So where are we going?" Yuan asked out of curiosity.
"Were visiting a friend of mine. He is my age and we worked at the same hospital for a while. He was a doctor though. I believe he has seen something similar to your case. The sooner we can diagnose you, the better." The old lady smiled at Yuan.
"Ah." Yuan agreed.
"I must say, I didn't expect you to bring your boyfriend." The old lady chuckled.
"He is NOT my boyfriend. Just a friend." She defended as she cringed.
Ahsahi was  once again, smirking.
"Oh in that case, are you sure you want him in the room. It may get awkward." Recovery Girl asked.
"Yeah it's fine. I'd trust him with my life." Yuan reassured the lady.
In the back, pink covered Ahsahi's tan cheeks.
"Looks like we're here." Recovery Girl said as she parked.
The group of three entered the automatic opening doors.
Recovery Girl led the way.
"Wait don't we have to be called in?" Ahsahi asked as the old woman walked straight through the appointment desks into the doctors' quarters.
"Nah." Recovery Girl walked slowly, people stared.
*Ive never seen her out of school like this.* Yuan thought.
After many flights of elevators, they reached one of the top floors.
As the elevator doors opened, extreme amounts of natural light hit them through the windows.
They covered their eyes quickly.
As they neared the window, they could see the massive city below.
"We're so high up." Yuan said in amazement.
"Yeah, it's beautiful." Ahsahi stood beside her.
"C'mon you slowpokes." The old lady chanted from at least 16 meters away.
The two younger ones sweat dropped as they shuffled faster.

"That must be my dear friend Chiyo." A voice said from afar. The eyes followed the voice to see a short old man, barely taller than Recovery Girl.
"And you must be Ritsomi. It's been far too long." The women blushed as she got closer.
"You look as beautiful as ever." The man she called Ritsomi complimented.
"You look more handsome than the last time I saw you." Recovery Girl teased.
Ahsahi and Yuan shared the thought *this is cringe worthy. Did something happen between them *
"Oh stop that. So let's get on task. Follow me." The man said as he entered a room. Many more doctors were in it. They closed a door to the segregated office as the four entered.
"Tell Ritsomi what's been happening Yuan." Recovery Girl told her as the three of them took their seats in front of Ritsomi.
"Well, I get these episodes where I pass out. The first time a few seconds before I passed out I could both hear and feel. I just couldn't speak, it was weird. The second time I just passed out. It's hard to explain." Yuan scratched her cheek.
"What were you doing when you passed out, have the surroundings been similar? How far apart were they?" The doctor shot questions at the girl.
"Um, both were during physical activity. They were a couple weeks apart as well." Yuan told him.
"Strange indeed, but I've seen this before." Ritsomi admitted.
"Really?!" Yuan gasped. Her eyes wide along with Ahsahi's.
The man nodded, "I need to take blood samples from you today. It won't take long at all because you are my only patient."
Yuan agreed and let him take her blood.
The girl watched as the man placed her blood vile under a microscope. He then took a picture and put it on the computer.
"I thought as much." He said as put his glasses on.
"Human blood looks pink and purple under a microscope, but there is one difference in yours. The red and white blood cells are normal, but look at those clear strands that look like fiber. Those aren't normal." Ritsomi pointed out.
"Then what are they?" Ahsahi asked.
"This would be the second time that type of blood cell is recorded. It was first discovered 16 years ago in the blood of the famous hero Seta Eterna." The old man continued.
Ahsahi and Yuan looked at each other simultaneously.
"That's my mom!" She looked at the old man.
"I figured so. I can't explain the difference between the ages of you two when the blood cell developed, but you share a similar quirk yes?"
Yuan nodded yes.
"To put it simply that fiber like string is because of your quirk. It has literally become a part of your body and bloodstream. Because it's so new, I'm afraid we don't know how to stop it. But we will do further research. These episodes aren't dangerous as long as you aren't in a dangerous position when you faint Yuan. So as long as someone is there, physical activity is fine. That's all we can do for today." Ritsomi took his glasses off.
"Thank you so much doctor." Ahsahi responded for Yuan since she was in minor shock.
"One question before you go. Seta Eterna's name was Hana L/N. What's her maiden name?" The doctor asked.
"She never had one, she was adopted and lost her memories from when before she was 8." Ahsahi answered.
"Hmm okay. Thank you and goodbye. I will contact you Chiyo about my research." The man said before the three of them left.


"So hey Recovery Girl, before you go," Yuan began as she got out of the car in front of her house, "Does that count as being diagnosed? Can I do physical activity during the camp now?"
"Well, I suppose since Ritsomi said yes I don't see why not. But I will need direct permission from your parent and the teachers. You will also have a chaperone. I will call your father, and I'll deal with the teachers."
"Thank you so much Recovery Girl. Have a nice day." Yuan bowed to be polite as the old woman drove off.

TS: Monday the day they leave for summer camp training.

Yuan had been allowed to go on the trip and participate in normal activities. One thing made her case different than the other students though, she was the only one who would be assigned a chaperone for the entire camp. The students stood and waited for the buss.
"So how did the shopping trip as a class go?" Yuan asked Uraraka.
"You didn't hear about it? When Deku and I were together he got approached by the villain from the USJ incident. They evacuated the mall and shut it down completely." Uraraka explained.
"Really? That's insane!" Yuan exclaimed.
"Yeah, the villain said something really strange. Besides threatening him, he told Deku to say hi to his niece for him. It was really strange because none of us know what he meant." Uraraka sighed.
"That is strange." Yuan agreed.
They looked over to Iida who was yelling for them to board the bus in seating order. Todoroki and Yuan made eye contact because that meant they would be seated together.
As they took their seats, the bus got loud quick.
"Oh Yuan I forgot to tell you. The teachers all agreed that you must have a chaperone for the trip. I decided that paring you with a student would be fine as well. I would make Bakugou your partner since he is currently ranked number 1, but decided that would be dangerous to you so I decided that Todoroki would be perfect for this being ranked 2. This means you two will always be together during training.  Is that okay with you and Todoroki?" Mr. Aizawa went over to Yuan and the boy.
Todoroki was just as surprised as she was.
"Sure it's fine." She said hesitantly.
Aizawa then turned to Todoroki for an answer. He nodded yes. His eyes were more gloomy than they had been those past few weeks.
They two of them sat awkwardly in silence in a bus full of noise. Mainly Iida yelling.
"I'm sorry for getting so mad the other day I know you were just trying to help me out. I was being reckless." Yuan apologized.
He didn't say anything, but he looked at her with an easier expression.
"I know you have been trying to tell me something. I shut you out and didn't listen though. Do you still want to tell me?" Yuan's eyes focused on her hands.
"No. It's not important anymore." Todoroki tried tilting his lips upward into a smile. It didn't work very well. He only said that because she didn't need anymore distractions. He would tell her at the end of training camp.

At least an our later the group arrived to a pit stop.
"This isn't a stop. There is anything here." Kirishima said what everyone was thinking.
"You don't think we were going to take it easy on you do you?" Aizawa asked sarcastically as another car pulled up behind the parked bus.
Two adult figures and a child got out.
"Those are the Wild Wild Pussycats!..." Midoriya went into fan boy mode.
"Hey class 1A. The training camp has already begun. It's 9:30 now, you might just make it for lunch if you go now." Pixie Bob smirked as she pointed to the far away destination of the camp.
"Good luck making it through beast forest. Oh and don't worry about damage." She cheered them on as she kicked them off the edge and into the forsest mountain side.
"Let's go." Todoroki looked over to Yuan as he began sprinting into the forest. She followed.

The first mud beast appeared quickly, and Todoroki froze its legs with excellent reaction time. Yuan helped as she surrounded it in her thread a crushed it. They continued this for long periods of time.
"Your in my way Icy hot!" Bakugou fussed.
"Then find a different route." Todoroki responded.

"There are way too many. At this rate the class won't even reach the destination by sunset." Yuan spoke between heavy breaths.
"We're slowing down as we advance." Todoroki added.
"And if I pass out, I'll slow the entire class down. We need a plan." Yuan kept up behind the boy.
"I'll be there to catch you like I promised. Don't worry about it." Todoroki reassured her.
This caused her to smile, even though she couldn't see the pink glazed over his pale cheeks.

TS: several hours later

Eventually class 1A had made it through the woods earlier than expected arrival. They ate and enjoyed the hot springs and all gathered around the first fire of the night. They were extremely exhausted and weren't ready for tomorrow's nightmare.

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