To be strong

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Bakugou had clearly listened to you, and changed for you. Which was the most unexpected thing for him to do, to not take what he wants when he wants it, especially now that you know how he feels. The way he just walked around you, it hurt.

Several quiet days had gone by, and it would now be the weekend. A cold front was moving in.

The sky was dark with clouds from the moment you got out of bed that morning. No rain, just cold cloud cover and biting wind.
You had planned to visit Hosu city today to pick up some supplies for your dad that involved his work at the hospital. He had asked you to pick up the shipments of medical bandages that had come in to the office. Nobody was working in the office since it was the weekend, so it was up to you.

You put on your only coat, which was lighter than hoped for, but it was warm enough to keep you from freezing. The current time was 3:58 PM as you left the dorm house. Many other classmates had left as well, including Todoroki who was visiting his mom for the first time in several weeks. However, you didn't know where Bakugou had gone.

Around thirty minutes later, you were standing at the bullet train station, waiting for your bullet train to arrive.
Your hair blew as the train stopped, the strong gust of wind followed. And then the doors opened, letting the people get off before it was your turn to board.

Out of the corner of your eye, you saw a familiar hair color, causing you to look back.
Your eyes widened as your turned your body to move towards him.
"Hey." You said as you stood behind him, people walking around you two.
The ash blonde turned his head around.
"Tsk, why the hell are you here?" He looked away.
"I was gonna ask you the same thing. I'm on the way to Hosu city." You told him.
His eyes widened and then moved to you, "the doors are closing idiot!" He grabbed your hand and dragged you quickly through the people, holding the side of the closing door as he jumped in with you right before it shut and started moving.
His hand gripped your wrist tighter, "dumbass, you almost missed it." He growled at you.
You looked at him with wide eyes before laughing.
"I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention and got distracted by you." You rubbed your neck with the free hand.
He narrowed his eyes before leading you over to an empty pair of seats, and then sat across from you as he let go.
"Wait but weren't you going off the train?" You asked.
"Tch, yeah." He responded.
You gave an apologetic glance.
"I'm sorry, was it something important? It's my fault you had to do that." You looked down.
"Don't worry about it." He looked away.
"What are you gonna do once we get to Hosu?" You asked.
"Does it matter? I'll do what I want." He retorted.
You sighed as you leaned back, watching him take ear buds out of his pocket and place them in his ears.
You looked out the window before closing your eyes and relaxing. Taking slow breaths.
Bakugou took the time to steal a glance.

He watched you tilt your head towards the window, and open your e/c eyes slowly, looking outside

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He watched you tilt your head towards the window, and open your e/c eyes slowly, looking outside. Pink covered his cheeks softly as he looked away to his window.
You then looked back at him, sighing as you leaned forward, reaching your hand out.
He immediately turned to you, parting his lips in surprise, unmoving.
Your hand brushed against his cheek as you pulled the bud out and placed it in your own.
You listened to the deep drums and fast beat,  chuckling to yourself, of course he likes classic rock.
You looked into his eyes starring at each other, at his expression.
"Hmph." You laughed as you supported your elbow on your knee, leaning forward so you could listen without the bud falling out. You tilted your head at him, closing your eyes and listening to the beat. A few minutes passed before you opened your eyes again and took his bud and gave it back.
"It should have been obvious that you listen to that type of music." You smiled.
"Whatever." He sighed, surprising you as he removed them and put them back into his pocket.
"You don't have to stop listening I..." you began.
"What were you thinking, going to Hosu city alone this late, it's most dangerous there.Especially when the sun goes down you idiot." He looked away.
"I wasn't planning on staying long." You defended.
"It doesn't matter, your just so careless. You need to be more careful or your gonna end up,.." he didn't finish his sentence.
"but if your with me you won't have to worry, right?" You looked at him.
He widened his eyes.
"Tch, your such a pain." He narrowed his crimson orbs.
"Well I can't be that bad, if you keep following me everywhere." You smirked.
"Yeah well, your always getting your ass into bad situations." He scoffed.

Bakugou x reader x Todoroki: The Best for HerWhere stories live. Discover now