Every battle I face

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(Warning because of season four ending in the anime this will have manga hints but will not spoil the plot from now on. This follows my included storyline)

It felt as soon as the weekend started it was over, leading back to Midoriya and you training with AllMight before school.

Bakugou's sweatshirt was rapped around your waist over your training clothes. It was less cold than yesterday, making you slightly more hot from training.

"That's it for today, good training." AllMight supported his hands on his hips.
"Yeah, I went all out. I'm not gonna up for today's training at school." You sweat dropped as you chuckled in a heavy breath.
"I can't wait to keep using these garments Hatsume gave me. They are really helping." Midoriya held out his hand in front of him.
"Yeah your improving a lot." You smiled as you walked beside him on the path to the dorm.
"Thanks, you are too. Your getting really used to your power, quicker than I am." Midoriya smiled, a hint of sadness lingering.
"Nah, you started from scratch, but I had a head start since I already had my quirk." You put a hand on his shoulder.
"Yeah." He looked down.

Silence overcame the space.

"Is that Bakugou's?" Midoriya suddenly asked, pointing to the sweatshirt.
"Haha yeah, how'd you know?" You laughed.
"I recognized it. I've known him a long time, but I've never seen him act like this before. The way he is around you, it's different." The boy spoke, causing a simple shade of pink to crawl up your cheeks. However Midoriya didn't notice because he was mumbling to himself with furrowed brows.
"But still at the same time, Todoroki seems to act differently too." Midoriya spoke in a questioned tone.
"Well how about you and Ururaka?" You smiled through your uncomfortableness and spoke quickly.
Midoriya immediately went wide eyed and pink faced, "I don't know what your talking about!" The higher pitch escalated.
"But enough about that we should hurry before we are late." You smiled and changed the subject swiftly.

Only a few minutes later you were up in your dorm changing out of the dirty clothes, after taking a quick shower and changing into your uniform.

A hair towel was draped around your neck as you walked out of the elevator with an untucked shirt, your skirt un ironed and damp hair. Not ready and almost late.

Your got anxious as you didn't hear any noise coming from the living room, meaning everyone had already left.
As you checked the living room, spiky blonde hair peeked over the edge of the couch.

He seemed to sense your presence as he turned his head over the back of the couch.
The crimson eyes made eye contact before averting with a flushed expression.
Bakugou's body rose from the couch and made way over to you.
"What took you so long huh?" He said slightly aggressively as his hands stood still in his pockets as he walked.
"Huh what do you mean? Were you waiting?" You said confused.
"Like hell I was, I was just late getting up." By this time he was standing in front of you, he was looking down at you.
"Yeah well I'm still not ready, your gonna be late too." You smiled, knowing he just didn't want to admit the truth.
You watched his movements as he slid his hand out of his pocket and raised it onto your head, looking away to the side.
"Just hurry up then, dumb ass." He glanced over.
"Hmph, yeah I'll try." You laughed, "then you won't mind making me a snack for breakfast right, if your waiting? Since your a great cook and all." You joked as you titled your head.
"Tch, whatever. Just hurry." He gritted his teeth as he looked away again, now taking his hand off your head and sliding it into his pocket.
You were surprised he didn't argue no, if that was even a yes.
"Yeah." You smiled and turned, heading back to the elevator.

You brushed your slightly wet hair after putting on your uniform jacket. Then came your school shoes before rushing to the elevator.
(Five minutes till class, that means we have just enough time if we at least jog.) you panicked.

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