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A few days after the incident, Mr. Aizawa had come to my house to meet with my dad.
"So, will you allow Yuan to come back to UA with these new systems? I'm sure dorm rooms would be extremely different, but I think it's safer overall for the students." Mr. Aizawa shot his bargain.
I sat next to my dad, Ahsahi was standing behind the couch. The three of us had discussed the issue when we received the email.
"Yeah, it's fine. She can go back, but if she is put in danger like that again I'm not sure it will stay that way." My dad kept a serious look in his eyes.
This was the deal we agreed on.
"I appreciate your concern, but the school is developing an entirely different security system. The school will be safer than ever before." Mr. Aizawa said before the conversation was ended and he left. I stood at the door with balled fists.
I needed to talk to Bakugou, I needed to talk to Todoroki, and Midoriya.
"Hey dad, I need to go to see Bakugou. I'll see you later." I said loud enough for him to hear me from the kitchen.
He peeked his head around the wall and spoke, "You are not allowed to leave the house alone yet."
I didn't argue, I would be lying if I expected him to not be more over protective than usual.
"Would it be alright if Ahsahi came with me?" I asked him politely. Emotion was hard to find in my voice lately. I was sad, at least I thought since I wasn't feeling happy at all.
"I suppose that's okay, but I want you back by 3:00pm." He instructed.
I nodded as I made my way up the steps to his room.
Before I turned the knob I heard his deep voice talking.
"Hey mom, so I decided I'm coming home a little early... Yeah I've talked to Ikashi. No I haven't spoken to Yuan yet, but I plan on it tomorrow. I'm just homesick is all. Yeah,... love you too, see ya soon." He finished and then I heard him hang up.
I stood in shock, real emotion for the first time in days. I truly felt like I was about to cry.
My heart froze and I couldn't move as I heard the footsteps come in my direction, and then the knob twisted. The door creaked, and we were face to face.
His expression immediately changed into an alarmed one, probably realizing I heard the conversation.
"Uh, hey Yuan!" He said as sweat trailed down his right cheek.
I reacted immediately by lunging toward him and wrapping my arms around his back. I squeezed his shirt as my forehead laid on his chest.
"Why?" I asked him. He knew what I was talking about.
"Because I'm not needed anymore. Not like I was." Ahsahi said sadly.
"What are you talking about. Why early?" I was on the verge of tears.
"There isn't a point if I can't be with you. You don't understand. You will be in those dorms, and we won't see each other every night. I don't think there is a point, if I can't do that." He stood there, arms by his side.
"I would still come home, and hang out with you and dad and Rin. It's not like I'd always be gone. I don't want you to go." I looked up into his eyes.
He closed his almost immediately.
"Your being a baby. I have family back home I need to take care of. Plus military school will be starting back soon, I need to start training again. I've laid around long enough." He smiled slightly.
"You can't go just like that!" I cried to him.
"Yuan, it becomes harder everyday to watch you. Your growing up, and so am I. We have our paths, and I just need to get back to mine. I'll visit again I promise." Ahsahi put his hand on my head.
I didn't say anything, I couldn't. I didn't know the words.
"When?" I asked. It took me a while.
"Three days." He responded quickly.
"Give me, three days then. With you." I told him, completely forgetting about the other tasks at hand.
I looked up at him and he smiled genuinely, his hair flipped out of his face.
"Sure." He smiled with his teeth.
My sad expression lightened.
" you're a jerk by the way." I fussed at him.
"And thats why you love me so much." He said back. Which didn't really make sense.
"Haha I'm laughing so hard." Sarcasm left my mouth.
"So where are we going then? Just the two of us." He smirked.
"Don't get any creepy ideas. I don't know." I folded my arms.
"Can I choose?" He asked.
I nodded,"Sure but your paying." I smiled.
His face immediately changed expression,  "Your evil, I already have to book and pay for three plane tickets. Plus snacks."
"And you have been living in my house." I shot back at him, still smiling.
"Yeah yeah, whatever." He rolled his eyes.
"So, where are we going?" I was curious.
"It's a surprise." Ahsahi's infamous smirk appeared on his face.
I raised my eyebrows, "Choose quickly then. I'll be downstairs." I said as I walked back to my room.
*Maybe this is good. A distraction from everything. I need this.* I thought as I reached the bottom step.
As soon as I turned the corner I heard Ahsahi's loud steps come down the stairs.
I turned and faced him.
"Get some more athletic clothes on." He told me as I stood confused.
I nodded and went to go change.
Only about 10 minutes later I met Ahsahi in the car. Apparently he had already talked to my dad. He even had to promise to take Rin to the park every day at 5:00 just to spend the next three days with me.
"Where are we going?" I pleaded.
"You'll see when we get there." He said as he started to drive.
I sighed loudly.
We talked and laughed until about thirty minutes later. Ahsahi parked the car.
"The arcade?" I questioned.
"Not just the arcade, the biggest arcade in Japan. Your lucky you live so close." Ahsahi stood there looking at the building like it was heaven.
"This is just an excuse to play video games." I laughed.
"No." He said defensively.
I rolled my eyes jokingly as we walked in.
"Woah, I've never been here before. It really is huge." I said in amazement.
"I told you." He gawked.
I hummed.
"What should we do first?" I asked.
"Bowling!" He smiled like a kid and bounced to the bowling alley.
I smirked to myself because bowling was something I had always been great at.
We paid for a lane for an hour.
I went first, and only hit 4 pins with both pitches.
"Man, I thought you were better at this." Ahsahi acted surprised.
"Oops I guess I'm a little rusty." I acted innocent. Little did he know that was on purpose.
He went right after and knocked seven pins down.
Better than I thought.
"Oh I guess I can't mess around." I smirked as I launched my bowling ball straight down the center.
"Strike?!" He exclaimed in shock because he couldn't believe I got all ten pins.
"Lucky shot I guess." I shrugged sarcastically. He gave me a funny look.
I ended up winning, no surprise, even though he wasn't far behind me with points.
"Okay fine, but there is absolutely no chance your going to beat me at actual video games." He rolled his eyes.
"Alright bet." I boasted, maybe just a little overconfident from bowling.

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