From evil

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You were troubled.
You really liked the boy sitting next to you, but every time something like this happened you felt guilty. You thought of the ash blonde.
Deep down you had been denying that you had feelings for both of them.
You knew you would have to decide, and soon.
If you were to choose Todoroki, would the relationship go any further? Could it evolve?
You were frozen in time with a million thoughts as you looked into Todoroki's eyes. You needed to be honest, but you didn't want to hurt anyone. They both had been through so much this year, but on the other hand so had you.

Your eyes focused on the guy in front of you. (I'm over thinking this, I should just...) you thought as he  leaned in closer to you. Eyeing your lips.
"Yuan?" You and Todoroki froze when you heard the voice.
Your head turned.
"Yeah Rin?" You questioned.
"I'm tired." He yawned as he rubbed his eyes.
"Yeah, I should get you home." You stood up and flinched at another firework.
"I can walk with..." Todoroki's sentence got cut off.
"Hey Todoroki, can we get your help over here?" Midoriya yelled from where they were launching the fireworks.
Todoroki furrowed his brows and looked over to you.
"It's okay we'll be fine." You gave a reassuring smile.
(Well that completely ruined the moment.) you complained inside your head.

On your way out you carried the boy on your back. His arms fell across your shoulders as his head rested. You left campus, following the street lamps to the main road. It was uncomfortable being alone in the dark, even knowing you would be able to protect yourself.
When you arrived home you tucked your brother in and went downstairs to your relatively empty room.
Your eyes landed on the time capsule sitting on the empty dresser. Ahsahi.
You hesitated to open it for some reason, but found it in yourself to unscrew the cap.
You sat on the floor and dumped it out gently, watching several folded slips of paper fall out.
You automatically grabbed one and unfolded it.
A smile formed, immediately recognizing the handwriting and the two outlines of small hands drawn in red crayon.
You and Ahsahi had outlined your hands when you were kids when the capsule was first buried.
As you unfolded the second note your eyes widened.
It read: hey Yuan, I'm so glad I got to spend my summer with you. I had a great time. But I was to scared to say this to your face, I'm graduating from military school at the top of my class early. So I'm joining the front lines with an investigation group and will be heading to Russia to gather intel on a dangerous villain. I won't be able to see you for a while, several years actually. So that's why I was trying so hard to spend time with you this year. Anyway, I just want you to know that I love you, and I always have. I'll miss you.

"Ahsahi..." you held your mouth trying to keep the tears from flowing. The thought of him on the front lines, the center of danger, scared you. He was your best friend and was since the age of four.
When you were about spam him you realized you had left your phone at the dorm.
(It's getting late, I need to get back anyway.) you thought, trying to distract yourself.

You found your dad asleep on the couch from his long day at the hospital, so you shut the door softly on your way out.

As you walked alone, you noticed the sky had become darker, but the moon had risen further into the sky.
A strange feeling lurked in your stomach, causing you to stop and look around. Nothing but the light of street lamps. You took a deep breath in as you went forward again, paranoia creeping it's way into your mind as you breathed out slowly.
"Hello." You froze as you heard the deep voice. You turned quickly, seeing a man's figure dressed in a black coat and hat that covered his face.
You hesitated before speaking, "Hello, sir?" And just in a blink he was gone from vision, causing you to throw your head frantically around searching. But nothing.
And suddenly you felt your knees fall beneath you, pain filling them as you fell back onto the rough concrete ground. But nothing was there.
"Oh I just love playing, don't you?" The anonymous voice asked you just before you felt your body pin down. You laid on your stomach.
If felt like hands grabbing your wrists and pinning them to your back, followed by the pinning of your legs. You were stuck, but there was nothing there in front of you.
"What the hell?!" You spoke as you questioned what kind of quirk this was.
You didn't even understand what was happening. You struggled, something had tied your hands together.
"You'll do perfect for our next show." You heard the man's voice again before feeling a sharp sensation in your side.
You winced as you felt the needle stab through your cold skin. When you tried to activate your quirk, you didn't feel your threads.
You were scared, unable to move your pinned body, and your quirk wasn't working. (What is he doing to me? Next show?) you panicked as tears formed in the side of your eyes.
You froze as you felt the feeling of a hand, a finger, trail up your back.
"But I might as well have some fun with you since nobody's around." Your heart beat was slow, you had never been so terrified.
The hand moved up your body.
"Get off her you bastard!" Your eyes were wide as you knew exactly who it was.
You closed your eyes as you felt the faint heat of explosion on your skin, and the pressure that held your body release. Bakugou had aimed his explosion so it wouldn't hit you.

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