Can reley on

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You were hurting on the inside, you had been for so long. You tried to hide it and suppress the pain, but it never really went away. Sometimes you thought that you shouldn't feel sad because others had it worse, but it didn't make the pain any less. You always told people that they should talk to you instead of bottling things up, but you had to learn to take your own advise. You needed a reliance, to feel loved, because loneliness was present.
And sometimes you wondered if you had someone special to comfort you and make you feel loved it would go away. In truth, you wanted to be consumed in what you were unknowingly looking for.
Someone who understood the pain, and would just cuddle you to make it better. Be there for you.
That was Ahsahi, and you were always lucky to have him. He was there for you when nobody else was, even if you were on different sides of the earth. But you still needed the touch, and that wasn't there.
At one point in had been Bakugou. You supported each other through the bullying he received. However, like Bakugou said, you couldn't keep searching for the past. You had grown up a long time ago.
But Todoroki was there, right here, letting you rest your head on his shoulder.
He was supporting you, even if he didn't know it.
The two of you stayed in that position for a while until you heard loud noises coming from the first floor and decided to leave.
You were relieved as you saw Midoriya, Kirishima, Sui, and Ururaka standing there.
"We were all worried sick about you guys!" Kaminari exclaimed, and everyone added there worrisome comments.
"Glad your back safe." You smiled at them, Midoriya gave you a thankful smile.
You saw Bakugou in the corner of your eye, he was staring at you in his normal resting glare.
You looked at him and he averted his eyes immediately as you noticed.

After everyone had settled down you went to retrieve your clothes from the girls shared laundry room.
You pulled them out the dryer, noticing Bakugou's jacket there. (Maybe that's why he was staring at me) you wondered.
As you put your clothes in the basket you carried the jacket in your hand, entering the public living room.
He was plumped on the couch next to Kaminari, Sero, and Kirishima.
"Hey Bakugou, here's your jacket. I forgot to thank you." You handed it to him.
He looked you and then closed his eyes again, "keep it, I don't want it."
"What?" You asked rather aggressively.
"Ohoho, Kachaan is making a move." Kaminari smirked.
"Shut it dunce face! No one asked you!" Bakugou immediately irrupted.
"I bet our boy likes you." Sero looked at you with a mischievous look.
You looked at Bakugou slowly with a confused expression, thinking that it kinda made sense.
"No I don't tape arms!"
"Woah calm down I was only joking." Sero smirked.
You sweat dropped, "well I don't want it either, I'm already wearing the bracelet you insisted I keep." You added, kinda finding the embarrassing situation funny.
All three boys looked over at Bakugou.
"She stole it from me you bastards!" He barked at them.
"Get over it that was years ago." You crossed your arms. Laughing on the inside.
"You brought it up idiot!" He jerked his head.
"Yeah my bad..." you chuckled as you showed the bracelet off to Sero like you would a ring.
"Isn't it just so cute though?" You smiled.
"Bakugou used to be quite the fashionista." Sero played along with you.
"C'mon guys your embarrassing him." Kirishima told you.
"Here just take it." You smiled at Bakugou, practically shoving the jacket in his face.
He finally rolled his eyes and ripped it out of your hand.
(Maybe I went to far) you frowned.
"Thanks for letting me borrow it, I probably would have been even sicker if it wasn't for you. I mean it." You tried to make up for it.
He glanced at you, pink dashed his cheeks,
"Yeah whatever." He finished speaking before closing his crimson eyes.
"Good night you guys, see ya tomorrow." You waved before picking up your basket of clothes and going upstairs to your room.

With the lights shut off, you laid in your bed starring at the ceiling, bothered by a feeling.
It caused you to curl in in a ball, lying on your side facing the wall. Todoroki just confessed to you, but you questioned those feelings. After all, he didn't even understand what he was feeling. And Bakugou, you had never admitted to anyone that you used to truly like him when you were kids. Even if you had lost some hearing in your ear because of him, you were mesmerized by the boy. However, he was different now. More reserved. You didn't know what your feelings for him were anymore, but you knew you still cared for him more than others.
It was hard to fall asleep last night, but eventually you found yourself lost in sleep.

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