And reley on myself

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Sunshine peered through the drapes as you laid there with open eyes and tangled hair, arms wrapped around your pillow.
You groaned into the pillow as you thought about Bakugou. His touch. (Stopppppp) you complained as pink rushed up your face.
*beep beep beep* you raised your body up, a scowl displayed across your face.
"What's the point of an alarm clock if I'm gonna wake up before it goes off." You spoke after pressing the stop button of your phone as you slid it out from under your other pillow.

After changing and getting ready reluctantly, you made your way down to the first floor.

"Good morning." You said with no emotion and a yawn to your classmates sitting at the table.
Kirishima said it back as you passed by them.
"She doesn't seem to be in the best mood today." You heard Kaminari's sad attempt for a whisper, causing a tik mark to appear on your forehead.
"I'm gonna pretend like I didn't hear that Kaminari." You said as your back faced him.
"Pfft Hahaha this is why you don't have a girlfriend." Sero said as he laughed with Kirishima.
"Hey give me break. It's not like you have one either." The electric boy defended himself.
You cracked a laugh as you made your way out the door, heading over to school early.

You saw several students were still picking up from the festival before classes began.
Once the classroom had filled, Ururaka came in holding a news paper.
"Look everyone, they finally published the news paper about our dorms!" Ururaka held the newspaper up as she entered. Classes would start in a few minutes.
"Ooh let me see!" Mina stood up and looked over Ururaka's shoulder.
You joined the group of people at the front of the classroom.
Bakugou was leaning back in his seat.
"We made the third page." Midoriya pointed out as he stood next to Todoroki.
There was a collection of pictures.

Everyone's eyes widened as they watched Ururaka flip to the other side.
"There's even room for growing relationships." The caption under the picture said.
Red crept across your face as you watched everyone turn their heads towards you and Todoroki. Todoroki looked completely normal.
(Crap! I completely forgot about that picture!) you internally panicked.
"It's love!" Mina exclaimed as she pointed to the picture of you and Todoroki walking into the sunset like the most cliché romantic set ever.
"I think they are even touching hands." Sui pointed a finger.
"Huh, now that it's mentioned you two seem pretty close." Sero added.
"That was a complete coincidence I swear!" You covered your embarrassed face.
"Hand it over!" Bakugou stormed into the group and grabbed it from Ururaka's hands.
Bakugou's eyes went completely white as he turned his head over to Todoroki slowly.
"Everyone sit down, class is beginning." Mr. Aizawa rolled in.
(Thanks for the save, perfect timing Mr. Aizawa.) you sweat dropped as you walked over to your seat.

However, you only became even more uncomfortable as you looked forward at the board. Bakugou was staring at you and it was obvious.
You finally decided to look at him, trying to make him stop.
You saw his eyes widen a bit before you saw his mouth move. "Tch." You knew that's what he did even though it wasn't audible to you.

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